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    Give Up – (Chapter: Yeah)


    Another YEAH floods through the speakers and the beat slowly fades away. Our bodies stop moving and she looks at me like she’s expecting me to say something. As I open my mouth another fast paced songs surrounds the room. A bit of relief washes over. I close my mouth knowing that she won’t be able to hear me.


    She tilts her head back to the table she was originally sitting at and gives me a questioning look. I nod and follow closely behind her as we make our way back to our original location. She sits down and gestures for me to do the same. I do and for a few moments we sit in silence staring at each other.


    "Can I get you ladies anything?"


    We both turn our heads to the side and I see the bartender from earlier.


    "Yeah, I’ll have a beer." She looks at me waiting for my reply. "I’ll have a water, thank you."


    The bartender nods and walks towards the bar. My eyes follow him until he is no longer visible through the crowd of people.


    "Water, not much of a drinker?"


    "No, I just have to drive myself home tonight and I’d prefer to actually make it there."


    She chuckles and tilts her head to the side giving me a beautiful smile.


    "So Ashley are you from around here."


    "No, I just moved out here a while ago."


    "Why’d you choose to come here?"


    "A friend of mine lives out here and I figured it was time for a change. What about you Spencer, do you have a last name?"




    "A woman of mystery, I like that."


    Here you go ladies. The bartender sets down are drinks and walks away.


    Spencer and I fall into comfortable conversation. For the most part the conversation is focused on me. Every time I try to ask her about herself she dodges the question and refocus the conversation on me. Eventually I stop trying to ask her questions and we continue talking about my life. Well everything except the fact that I’m a cop and I’m trying to bust her father. The conversation flows easily between us and I feel like I’m talking to an old friend.


    I’m not sure how much time passes but somewhere along the line we end up back on the dance floor. Dancing if possible, closer than before. I take a look around and realize that the club is nearly empty and that it’s probably nearing closing time. She to looks around and takes a look at her watch. An almost sad frown crosses her face. She releases her grip on me and reaches into my left pocket pulling out my phone and flipping it open. After she enters her number she hands the phone back to me.


    "I have to go, but call me."


    She hugs me and then spins around towards the door. Before she gets to far away I grab her wrist. After spinning back around she gives me a questioning look.


    "Can I walk you to your car?"


    She gives me a shocked look as if no one has ever offered to walk her to her car.


    "Uh, su- sure."


    I smile at her and link our arms together. When we reach the door I pull it open and my eyes immediately focus on the car I know Johnson is sitting in. She walks through the door and leads me to the oppisite end of the parking lot. Taking out her keys she pushes it through the lock and opens the door. She spins around and wraps her arms around my neck again. After whispering a small thank you she gets into her car.


    "Call me, okay?"


    "I will, I promise."


    She grins and slams her door shut before backing out of the parking lot and driving off. I stand there in the lot until I can no longer see her car.


    What the fuck have you gotten yourself into Davies?

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    1. Okay I just caught up with this story. But I have to say…simply AMAZING!! It’s definitely different from any other fanfic I’ve read. Keep up the great work & I’ll be looking for the next post!!

    2. Ahhaha. This is the BEST. I’ve been waiting for forEVER! I know you’ve been studying for mid-terms and all but I say “who gives a shit”? Mid-terms are only halfway thru the year, you have the rest of that time to make up the grade. You need to be on here updating like crazy. :) I love this story. Seriosuly. LOVE IT! PMS please. I’d really be happy if you did. *gives big puppy dog smile that no one can resist* Really, really happy.

    3. Okay I just caught up with this story. But I have to say…simply AMAZING!! It’s definitely different from any other fanfic I’ve read. Keep up the great work & I’ll be looking for the next post!!

    4. Ahhaha. This is the BEST. I’ve been waiting for forEVER! I know you’ve been studying for mid-terms and all but I say “who gives a shit”? Mid-terms are only halfway thru the year, you have the rest of that time to make up the grade. You need to be on here updating like crazy. :) I love this story. Seriosuly. LOVE IT! PMS please. I’d really be happy if you did. *gives big puppy dog smile that no one can resist* Really, really happy.

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