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    Give Up – (Chapter: You Are Such A Chick)


    "But then last night at the club, everything changed. I finally felt something….. something real."


    "Spencer, you are such a chick."


    I look up and let out a chuckle.


    "Gee, thanks Glen. That makes me feel so much better about everything."


    "Hey, as your brother I think its my job to point out your flaws."


    I roll my eyes because what he is saying makes absolutely no sense.


    "So being a chick is a flaw now?"


    "No, being a chick is great. With the exception of you and any other chick in our family I wanna fuck ‘em all. But you being such an emotional chick is the problem."


    Although Glen has just taken a stab at my character I can’t help but smile. Because deep down I know that he loves no matter how much her tries to deny it. He walks over to me and takes a seat next to me wrapping his arm around my shoulders.


    "So your really interested in this girl?"


    "Yeah, I am."


    He removes his arm from my shoulders and lets it fall back into his lap. I can tell he’s thinking because he gets this awkward look on his face and stares at some non-existent object on the floor. Finally after what feels like forever he voices his words of wisdom.


    "You of all people deserve happiness. Even though we all went through tons of shit you deserve it the most. Not me, not Clay, not even mom. Clay and I had a choice, and we chose this life. We chose to help dad with the ‘business’. And mom she married dad knowing exactly what kind of person he was. We all made a choice, except you. You got dragged into this. This was never what you wanted, but you stayed because that’s how you are. No matter how hard you tried you could never cut all ties with us. You love us way to much, your a good person. Your too good, this shouldn’t be your life."


    He lets out a deep breath and looks me dead in the eyes. "Your too good for this life Spence, to good for this family you… you don’t fit. Your not like the rest of us. All we see is money and power and we’d hurt anybody in order to stay on top. But that’s not you. You care about other people, you’d never hurt a soul."

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    1. Haha. I’m truly touched that you dedicated this post to me. Truly. and hey, this was an awesome update. We finnaly got some insight into Spencer’s life and what makes her tick. Amazing. :) I’m completely pumped for this next date. Just keep the pace in mind. If you keep things going at a steady pace, good things will follow. Don’t rush them into a relationship. Make Ashley keep her head, and make Spencer work for it. That’s all I have to say. Nice post. Do it again, would ya? And I’m glad I gave you some perspective. School, while an important part of every person’s life, is fucked up. That’s my story and I’m stickin to it. Woot.

    2. Haha. I’m truly touched that you dedicated this post to me. Truly. and hey, this was an awesome update. We finnaly got some insight into Spencer’s life and what makes her tick. Amazing. :) I’m completely pumped for this next date. Just keep the pace in mind. If you keep things going at a steady pace, good things will follow. Don’t rush them into a relationship. Make Ashley keep her head, and make Spencer work for it. That’s all I have to say. Nice post. Do it again, would ya? And I’m glad I gave you some perspective. School, while an important part of every person’s life, is fucked up. That’s my story and I’m stickin to it. Woot.

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