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    Give Up – (Chapter: You Are Such A Chick)


    It feels good to hear Glen talk to me like this. And as much as I enjoy his brotherly speech I still smirk at his last comment.


    "I’d never hurt a soul? I think the guy I nearly killed would have to object to that."


    Glen shakes his head and falls back against the couch.


    "Come on Spencer, you know what I meant. When that happened you were really messed up, what you did wasn’t your fau-."


    "Don’t you dare say it wasn’t my fault. No matter what was going on with me I did what did. I take full responsibility for my actions. I wasn’t messed up. I was fine, completely sober, I hadn’t touched anything all day. He was trying to be kind and I made him suffer for his kindness."


    The two of us fall silent for a long time before he decides to break the silence.


    "You have to get your head out of the past. What you did, it was a huge mistake, but we all make them eventually. There’s no excuse for what you did, but don’t judge your entire character and think your a bad person becasue of it."


    I don’t say anything, mostly because I don’t think what he is saying is true. He thinks I made a mistake. A mistake is when you argue with your lover and say something you don’t mean. A mistake is when you spill paint on the carpet. A mistake, that is nothing compared to what I did. For what seems like the hundredth time today silence surrounds us. And it is again broken by Glen.


    "So this girl, she hot?"


    I roll my eyes at him. After a brief moment of laughing I question him. "Is that the only thing you think about?"


    "Surprisingly it’s not, but this conversation is getting a little too serious. And I have no desire for you to turn me into an emotional chick. So answer the question, is she hot?"


    My tone becomes completely serious. "She’s beautiful."


    Glen stands up abruptly and runs his hands through his short blonde hair. "Spencer, you barely know the girl how can you be sure she’s not like the rest?"


    I look out towards the window and think about his question. After I feel like I’ve over analyzed the question enough I smile and look back at him.


    "I just know, I feel it."


    "What if its not?"


    "It has to be. I’ve been down that road before and I couldn’t take it if it wasn’t real. I barely know her but I… I trust her, she wouldn’t screw me over."


    I can tell that he is about to question me but my phone rings just as he opens his mouth. I flip the phone open quickly so I can avoid anything else Glen has to say.




    "Hey, is this Spencer?"


    My heart flutters, as I immediately realize who it is.


    "Yeah, this her." A smile washes over my face.


    "Good, this is Ashley."


    She takes a quick pause.


    "From the club."


    "Yeah I remember, I was hoping you would call."


    "Well I made a promise and I never break promises. So I was wondering if you wanted to get together tonight, maybe grab a bite to eat."


    I calm myself before responding. I don’t want to sound too excited. But of course I fail miserably and I end up sounding like a nerdy teenage girl.


    "I’d love to."


    I soon realize I’m not the only one who is excited when I hear her nearly scream “Great, I’ve got reservations at 8.”


    We talk for a few more minutes about our plans before we say our goodbyes. A small squeal escapes my lips. I look over at Glen who just shakes his head at me. He makes his way for the door but not before leaving me with one of his smartass comments.


    “There’s no hope for you, you are a total chick.”

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    1. Haha. I’m truly touched that you dedicated this post to me. Truly. and hey, this was an awesome update. We finnaly got some insight into Spencer’s life and what makes her tick. Amazing. :) I’m completely pumped for this next date. Just keep the pace in mind. If you keep things going at a steady pace, good things will follow. Don’t rush them into a relationship. Make Ashley keep her head, and make Spencer work for it. That’s all I have to say. Nice post. Do it again, would ya? And I’m glad I gave you some perspective. School, while an important part of every person’s life, is fucked up. That’s my story and I’m stickin to it. Woot.

    2. Haha. I’m truly touched that you dedicated this post to me. Truly. and hey, this was an awesome update. We finnaly got some insight into Spencer’s life and what makes her tick. Amazing. :) I’m completely pumped for this next date. Just keep the pace in mind. If you keep things going at a steady pace, good things will follow. Don’t rush them into a relationship. Make Ashley keep her head, and make Spencer work for it. That’s all I have to say. Nice post. Do it again, would ya? And I’m glad I gave you some perspective. School, while an important part of every person’s life, is fucked up. That’s my story and I’m stickin to it. Woot.

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