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    Give Up Forever To Touch You – (Chapter: 11)

    Aiden stood on the dock watching the young girl drift to the sandy bottom. His dark features illuminated in the sunshine. Arthur blew past him and dove into the water; he swam with all his might and clutched his little girl’s wrist, dragging her to the surface. He gasped for air and clung to the dock ladder, wrapping his arm around Spencer’s chest and heaving her up onto the wooden floor. Scrambling up the steps quickly he hunched over the blonde’s still form and pressed his ear to her chest, searching for a heartbeat. He began to give her CPR, pressing her chest forcefully.

    “Come on Spence!” he cried, tears hidden by the water dripping down his face.

    He pressed his mouth to hers, trying to help her breathe.

    “Come on baby, I love you, you can do it”

    Aiden stood watching, the little girl looked so fragile, her tiny frame starting to turn a light blue color. He bent down next to the girl and watched Arthur Carlin fight desperately for the little girl’s life. Aiden knew it was the little girl’s time, and he frowned. ‘She’s too young’ he thought to himself sadly. The older man brushed Spencer’s bangs off of her forehead, staring miserably at his daughter, before going back to giving compressions. ‘It isn’t fair’ Aiden thought, ‘how can I take her? Look at her, she’s so small, she has so much to do’ Aiden stood up suddenly and walked away from the dock, ‘I just can’t’

    The tiny girl began to cough, water sputtering out of her mouth, she struggled for air. Arthur cried in relief, propping her up against his knee. Glen and Paula ran over to the pair and started asking Arthur questions frantically.

    Arthur brushed his daughter’s cheeks as she stared up at him with her weary big blue eyes.

    “It’s gonna be alright baby, I’d never let anything hurt you.”


    Spencer stood up and raced to the little girl’s side, hitting her back, in just the right place, the tiny figure spit out the water, and coughed repeatedly, her mother fretting and hugging her close. The tiny girl’s blue eyes stared at her wide, with surprise. The girl’s mother thanked Spencer repeatedly, but the blonde urged that she didn’t do anything.

    “15th and Market” the bus driver boomed.

    Spencer stood up and made her way off of the bus. The evening air was chilling against her skin, and the blonde pulled on her coat as she made her way down the sidewalk. She shivered in the night air.

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