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    Grace on Fire – (Chapter: Fallen Angels)

    Faintly glowing, half naked, and singing, a man with long flowing raven black hair and massive ebony feathered wings sat humming on a plush couch while writing on a piece of paper. A light emanated from him, making his skin iridescent, which was an impressive sight to Ashley considering her master was clad in a black wrap around his waist.

    “Come in Ashley.” He said, never taking his eyes off of the paper in front of him.

    She stepped forward to the middle of the room and dropped to her knees, her head touching the floor, prostrating herself in her act of submission. “You called for me Master?”

    “That I did. Do you know why?”

    “I think I have an idea master.”

    “Well why do you think so?”

    “I’ve done something that displeases you?”

    He laughed, a hearty laugh that would have turned any mortal’s blood into ice within their veins. “No my darling, quite the opposite. You’ve done something monumental and I wish to reward you as well as inform you on a few things.”

    The vibrations from his footsteps resounded in her ears. He walked somewhere to Ashley’s right and seemed to have sat down or stopped in his place.

    “First, I’d like you to stand up.” She did as she was told but kept her eyes on the floor.

    “Oh come now. I’m not that bad looking am I?” He joked.

    Warily, she looked up to find that no, Lucifer was not that bad looking. In fact, he was quite striking in appearance. Well defined cheek bones and full lips, a perfectly curved jaw as well as cute ears. His long black hair stood in sharp contrast to his strikingly bright blue eyes; but that’s where the beauty ended. Those eyes were empty but full of horrors. She could feel the calculated evil burn in his irises. There was no mistake about it. Past the charm and good looks was the Prince of Darkness. “Not at all Master.”

    He smiled down at her and extended his hand. “So, let’s see it.”

    She reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out the flask, Revelation 13:8 still boldly engraved into its metal surface.

    Those blue eyes stared at the reference before his lips began to move and words were spoken from them. “And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” He seemed nonplussed about the piece of scripture. “Aiden Dennison. How is he doing these days?”


    1. Ha!! I love it!!! It’s so so different than anything else on the board, but it’s a whole heck of a lot of fun to read! Kinda reminds me of Buffy/Angel. Gotta love it!

    2. Ha!! I love it!!! It’s so so different than anything else on the board, but it’s a whole heck of a lot of fun to read! Kinda reminds me of Buffy/Angel. Gotta love it!

    3. fecking love this story :-D it’s very different, original, and well written just like the stories you have penned in the past! It’ll be interesting to find out who Spencer is – the ‘is she an Angel or a Mortal?’ qustion will hopefully be answered soon. That’s a hint to post more very soon by the way! I hope this doesn’t go too much in the way of star cross’d lovers doomed by the fact that they are from warring factions – quite a big divide, that Heaven/Hell one ;-) but then again, whatever you write will be ace, so ignore me, please :-) Jx

    4. fecking love this story :-D it’s very different, original, and well written just like the stories you have penned in the past! It’ll be interesting to find out who Spencer is – the ‘is she an Angel or a Mortal?’ qustion will hopefully be answered soon. That’s a hint to post more very soon by the way! I hope this doesn’t go too much in the way of star cross’d lovers doomed by the fact that they are from warring factions – quite a big divide, that Heaven/Hell one ;-) but then again, whatever you write will be ace, so ignore me, please :-) Jx

    5. Oh yeah, since I’m under the assumption that Spencer is an angel then I guess you know that I’m super intruiged. A Demon and an Angel falling in love? Who wouldn’t read this shit? It IS THE SHIT! (And I mean that in the most best way possible). *Wonders to Self* What’s going to happpeeennn?????

    6. Oh yeah, since I’m under the assumption that Spencer is an angel then I guess you know that I’m super intruiged. A Demon and an Angel falling in love? Who wouldn’t read this shit? It IS THE SHIT! (And I mean that in the most best way possible). *Wonders to Self* What’s going to happpeeennn?????

    7. Damn. I like this story too much. But I think I can see where u got the story line. Ashley is the bad girl, Spencer the good one, but you just amplified it like 100x more and added in the whole hell heaven thing. Spencer’s an angel, right? Isn’t that why she was wearing a white holister shirt and white keds? And we already know what Ash is, a demon of some sort. :D God I love this story. It makes me think. And Aiden and Kyla are demons, or w/e, too cuz they are a part of Ashley’s world and anything associated with her is instantly evil. This is a way cool story. And pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease! correct me if I’m wrong on any of this stuff. Please! I don’t want to get half way through the story then find out my assumptions are wrong. :D Please PMS!!!!!!

    8. Damn. I like this story too much. But I think I can see where u got the story line. Ashley is the bad girl, Spencer the good one, but you just amplified it like 100x more and added in the whole hell heaven thing. Spencer’s an angel, right? Isn’t that why she was wearing a white holister shirt and white keds? And we already know what Ash is, a demon of some sort. :D God I love this story. It makes me think. And Aiden and Kyla are demons, or w/e, too cuz they are a part of Ashley’s world and anything associated with her is instantly evil. This is a way cool story. And pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease! correct me if I’m wrong on any of this stuff. Please! I don’t want to get half way through the story then find out my assumptions are wrong. :D Please PMS!!!!!!

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