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    Grace on Fire – (Chapter: Fallen Angels)

    “Oh yeah, I’m fuckin…” She started, but then stopped after her eyes readjusted to reveal who it was inquiring about her health from above her.

    The eyes were blue, the hair was blonde, the lips were full and Ashley felt like she was going to faint. “…incredible.”

    “Are you sure? I didn’t even see you and then I opened the door and next thing I know the glass is rattling and you’re sprawled out on the ground like a hit and run victim.” The blonde girl rambled. Ashley liked it when she rambled. She also liked the wavy golden tendrils that framed her concerned face, the way she wore her white Hollister shirt, her blue jeans, her white Keds. She liked everything about her.

    And then there was that pull again. It made her want to be closer, no, to merge with the girl. Its intensity was starting to scare her.

    “Wow I’m just going to stop talking. Just stay here, let me get you some ice.” The girl ran back in, leaving her charge to wonder what exactly was going on.

    ‘It’s the girl from Grey; the one up on the catwalk. She doesn’t recognize who I am though.’

    “I’m back! Here, take my hand and we’ll get you off of the ground.” Palm open and fingers splayed out, Ashley reached up and gasped the hand in her own. The touch was akin to the collapse of a supernova. A jolt rushed up her arm and into her chest where it exploded. In her mind she could see colors merging and connecting, creating a new hue, something beautiful and divine and holy and deadly.

    They both let go at the same time, staring at their respective appendages with confusion. What just happened?

    “Static electricity. That stuff sucks.” The blonde offered as an explanation, allowing Ashley to get up herself.

    A pack of ice was handed to her and she pressed it against her head just to ease the girl’s guilt. “Yeah, that was crazy.”

    “Really crazy. I’m so sorry about your head I really didn’t mean too.”

    “It’s ok, honestly I’m fine. I can see only one of you and I remember my name so I can just pop some Tylenols and be alright.”

    “I know but I feel bad. You mind if I buy you coffee? I mean if not for you then to just make me feel better?” She tilted her head to the side, a few strands of hair drifting into her eyes only to tucked away behind her ears.

    “Sure.” ‘What the fuck? What are you doing?’ “Only if you’ll stop beating yourself up over this.” ‘What are you thinking?! Red Alert! I repeat Red Alert! There is something very wrong with you right now. Abort Mission!’

    “Great! What’s your name?”

    “Ashley Davies, and yours?”

    “Spencer Carlin.”


    1. Ha!! I love it!!! It’s so so different than anything else on the board, but it’s a whole heck of a lot of fun to read! Kinda reminds me of Buffy/Angel. Gotta love it!

    2. Ha!! I love it!!! It’s so so different than anything else on the board, but it’s a whole heck of a lot of fun to read! Kinda reminds me of Buffy/Angel. Gotta love it!

    3. fecking love this story :-D it’s very different, original, and well written just like the stories you have penned in the past! It’ll be interesting to find out who Spencer is – the ‘is she an Angel or a Mortal?’ qustion will hopefully be answered soon. That’s a hint to post more very soon by the way! I hope this doesn’t go too much in the way of star cross’d lovers doomed by the fact that they are from warring factions – quite a big divide, that Heaven/Hell one ;-) but then again, whatever you write will be ace, so ignore me, please :-) Jx

    4. fecking love this story :-D it’s very different, original, and well written just like the stories you have penned in the past! It’ll be interesting to find out who Spencer is – the ‘is she an Angel or a Mortal?’ qustion will hopefully be answered soon. That’s a hint to post more very soon by the way! I hope this doesn’t go too much in the way of star cross’d lovers doomed by the fact that they are from warring factions – quite a big divide, that Heaven/Hell one ;-) but then again, whatever you write will be ace, so ignore me, please :-) Jx

    5. Oh yeah, since I’m under the assumption that Spencer is an angel then I guess you know that I’m super intruiged. A Demon and an Angel falling in love? Who wouldn’t read this shit? It IS THE SHIT! (And I mean that in the most best way possible). *Wonders to Self* What’s going to happpeeennn?????

    6. Oh yeah, since I’m under the assumption that Spencer is an angel then I guess you know that I’m super intruiged. A Demon and an Angel falling in love? Who wouldn’t read this shit? It IS THE SHIT! (And I mean that in the most best way possible). *Wonders to Self* What’s going to happpeeennn?????

    7. Damn. I like this story too much. But I think I can see where u got the story line. Ashley is the bad girl, Spencer the good one, but you just amplified it like 100x more and added in the whole hell heaven thing. Spencer’s an angel, right? Isn’t that why she was wearing a white holister shirt and white keds? And we already know what Ash is, a demon of some sort. :D God I love this story. It makes me think. And Aiden and Kyla are demons, or w/e, too cuz they are a part of Ashley’s world and anything associated with her is instantly evil. This is a way cool story. And pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease! correct me if I’m wrong on any of this stuff. Please! I don’t want to get half way through the story then find out my assumptions are wrong. :D Please PMS!!!!!!

    8. Damn. I like this story too much. But I think I can see where u got the story line. Ashley is the bad girl, Spencer the good one, but you just amplified it like 100x more and added in the whole hell heaven thing. Spencer’s an angel, right? Isn’t that why she was wearing a white holister shirt and white keds? And we already know what Ash is, a demon of some sort. :D God I love this story. It makes me think. And Aiden and Kyla are demons, or w/e, too cuz they are a part of Ashley’s world and anything associated with her is instantly evil. This is a way cool story. And pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease! correct me if I’m wrong on any of this stuff. Please! I don’t want to get half way through the story then find out my assumptions are wrong. :D Please PMS!!!!!!

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