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    Grace on Fire – (Chapter: The Fury)


    “Did you vote in the mid-term elections?”

    “Why the fuck would I do that?”

    “Don’t know, I was just wondering.”

    “What business do we have with bullshit like this? You know and I know that it doesn’t make a difference to us. We do our jobs and that’s it. No republican, democrat, neo-con, liberal fuck all craptacular that has all the mortals enraptured.”

    “You’re right.” The sigh he exerted let her know that he silently disagreed with her but she couldn’t be bothered to say anything else. “We are the keepers of the butterflies.”

    Her brown eyes beheld him as if he had just denied the existence of Heaven and Hell. “What the hell are you talking about?”

    “We hold all the secrets Ash. We know everything they want to know. We have all the answers they spend their miserable lives looking for… In short, we are the keepers of the butterflies.”

    “Sure Aiden. Now are you gonna give me my haul for the day or what?”

    “Here,” He pulled out the same silver flask as last time and handed it to her. “The usual. I have to ask you something though.”

    “What now?

    “Did you have fun last night?”

    “Yes, tons of fun, it was like the X-rated version of Disneyland it was so much fun.” She rolled her eyes and slipped the flask into the inside of her jacket pocket.

    “Please don’t be like this right now; I really want you to be happy ya know?”

    “Well I appreciate the concern but I’m fine.”

    “Did you hook up last night?” The embodiment of death ask with a quirked eyebrow.

    “Yeah, does this mean I won last night’s bet?”

    “No because I took home two lovely ladies.”

    She leaned in closer, elbow on the table and her head resting in her hand. “And now I’m sure they’re both resting peacefully somewhere at the bottom of the pacific or in the bowels of some lucky werewolves, no?”

    “You’re so blunt sometimes.” He chuckled humorlessly. “Why don’t you use some tact every once in a while?”

    “Tact is for people who aren’t witty enough to be sarcastic.”

    “Touché, but I have a feeling you aren’t telling me everything.”

    “What are you Ms. Cleo all of a sudden?”


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