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    Grace on Fire – (Chapter: The Fury)

    The ceiling crashed through the third and second floors bringing wreckage along with it as people tried to run and jump out of the way. Several of them were hanging on to the edge of what was once a solid floor, struggling to maintain their grasp but many of them fell.

    She wasn’t done though. There was no doubt in her mind that the angel had survived, he wasn’t a man, he was beyond that and so was she. Her feet moved her towards he edge where she peered down and looked for him amongst the rubble and carnage.

    He was wedged between a giant chunk of concrete and the side of what used to be a water-fountain. A smile came easily to her lips and she took the still-mobile escalators down to his level. She strutted past the destroyed pieces of what used to be stores and floors, past the moaning and sometimes lifeless bodies until she reached her target.

    There was no fear in his eyes, no look of surprise when he saw her smiling down at him, just a look of indignation and disgust.

    “It’s sad that you took so much care of this body only to have it broken by something your precious humans made.” She said to him in his head.

    “You won’t last long after this.” Was all he replied, his thoughts becoming faint.

    “Well, I guess I’ll see you in oblivion then.” She pressed two fingers to his temple and waited for it to begin. Energy like that given off by a collapsing star shot up her arm and into her chest. She fought it back towards her fingers, pushing it down until it existed outside of her form. The concentration alone was making her dizzy but she kept pushing until it settled in the space between her fingertips and his skin. The feathers of his wings disintegrated into ashes, mingling with the dust.

    When she moved her hand, there was a tiny orb floating before her. A light that shone very bright as it floated aimlessly about. It seemed lost and tiny. The essence of the immortals.

    It was such a contrast to how much power it yielded, almost laughable to those who didn’t know about it, but to Ashley, it was a means to an end. She took out her flask and bottled the tiny light, smiling at her victory. There was no doubt that Kyla and the rest of administration would be handing her ass to her for a while but once they found out what she had done, what most were never able to do, they would shut up.

    For how often did it occur when an angel was trapped inside a dead man’s flask?


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