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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 33 – What's pie got to do with anything?)

    “You have the girls don’t you” I stated, hoping to sound as sorry as I feel. I know they mean no harm. Well most of the time they mean no harm, but they honestly are quite the troublesome lot and that’s without my involvement.

    “That I do.” He sighed. I was gong to explain myself, but Mr C beat me to the punch. “Don’t worry. The girls have already told me of yours and Spencer’s absence. And it’s perfectly fine; I know Spencer’s a few pieces short of a full pie around this time.” He smirked, and then made his way back into the cabin chuckling.

    I’m actually still stood outside on the steps, trying to figure out what the hell a pie has to do with anything. Seriously some people are so stupid, though in Mr C’s case I’d say that man lost his noodles way back. It would explain the offspring.

    Not long after Arthur had gone in, the girl’s came out talking to one another. And I can not believe the little shits dobbed me and Spencer in to her bloody dad of all people.

    “I can’t believe you told him about me and Spencer having sex!” I shrieked. And then there was silence.

    “You guys had sex!?” Kyla screamed, way too loudly for my liking. I literally ran away from them and headed back to our cabin, the girls in hot pursuit. I was well and truly buggered. What I thought they knew, they apparently didn’t till I opened my big trap.

    I skidded to a stop outside my room door. Now is it safer for me to stay out here and face the endless questions, or go in there with Spencer is more than likely going to kill me for giving out such sensitive information?  Hmmm yeah I think I’ll just brave it out here, with the small demons.

    “Oh my god, you had sex with Spencer!?” They all shouted together. Shit, bugger, fuck and titties. That had to have woken Spencer.

    “Ashley P, you are in so much trouble!” Damn it, they woke the beast. The girls seemingly slipped away, out of sight. Honestly those girls have no loyalty.

    “Thanks a lot.” I grumbled, while turning the handle on the door, going in to face my fate.

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    1. Oooh! I thought we’d have to wait longer! Take plenty more painkillers and you can knock another one out tomorrow because you know I can’t wait any longer! PMS!!

    2. what i wouldnt give for a pain killer right now….but totaly worth reading even in all this pain lol loved it absolutly loved it. im so glad you posted pms please!!! :D

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