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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 33 – What's pie got to do with anything?)

    Walking in I see Spencer pacing the room, looking to ware it thin and fall through. I make my way over to the small seat that sits by the window, I’ll wait till Spencer’s ready to let me have it. I might as well enjoy the view of the world while I’m at it.

    “Ashley, where did you go?” Spencer asked, with surprising softness.

    Where did I go? Where did I go when? Ugh why does everyone have to be so non-specific when they ask me questions, it would make my life easier if they just asked me this shit straight.

     Let’s start from the beginning, I woke up. Spencer was sleeping, so I left to find the girls. That must be it, either way I’m going to have to just give it go and take a guess.

    “If you’re referring to early, when I woke up then I went to find the girls because they weren’t in the cabin. I would have woken you, but you looked pretty dead to the world.” I explained.

    Just from looking at Spencer’s sunken shoulder I can see some thing is bothering her. Luckily she’s close enough for me to reach out and pull her on to my lap, which pushed me deeper in to the chair. I run my fingers through her silky locks, my other hand holding her to me, making sure that she doesn’t fall.

    “What’s wrong Hun?” I whispered against her temple, before placing a delicate kiss there.

    “It’s…it’s just doing what we did earlier was a big step for me Ash. And when I woke up you were gone. I guess I just felt abandoned.” She whimpered. Spencer buried her face in my neck, holding me tighter around my waist.

    God damn it I’m so fucking stupid! How could I not have realised that? I’m not surprised my baby felt abandoned. I mean she took a big leap in experiences not long ago and I just up and left, leaving her to wake up alone. I should mentally beat the shit out of myself, because that was a shitty thing to do, even if it wasn’t intentional.

    “Oh Spence, I’m so, so sorry. I wasn’t thinking. I’d never hurt you on purpose, you know that right?” Oh god please let her know that. Spencer nodded weakly against my neck. I only held her tighter.

    We stayed like that for over an hour, I was sure that Spencer had fallen asleep once or twice, but she soon woke up and placed the odd kiss on my neck every now and then. It was nice just sitting here, with my hopeful future sitting in my lap, literally.

    And I think that she’s also forgotten about my letting slip of our private ‘activities’. Of course that is just wishful thinking.

    “I haven’t forgotten.” Spencer stated. I swear this woman is frigging witch, especially when she does creepy shit like that. She’s beautiful and amazingly talented, but a witch none the less.

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    1. Oooh! I thought we’d have to wait longer! Take plenty more painkillers and you can knock another one out tomorrow because you know I can’t wait any longer! PMS!!

    2. what i wouldnt give for a pain killer right now….but totaly worth reading even in all this pain lol loved it absolutly loved it. im so glad you posted pms please!!! :D

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