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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 34 – You can never have it all)

    I turn to look down at my now empty plate, not quite sure what to do. Everything happened so damn fast…I was in shock. I mean she had actually stolen my pancake, the last bit as well. I know I robbed her of some sausage, but she still had some toast on her plate, I had that one bit of pancake. There are rules and she just broke the main one. Thou shalt not steal the last piece from thy neighbour’s plate; I swear it’s in the bible someplace!

    “You two are so ridiculous” Madison snorted, her mouth filled with whatever it was she was chewing. So gross, she is so lucky she’s over that side of the table. I would have given her a flick on beak for speaking with her mouth full. It’s just rude.

    “Agreed” The other’s chime in, Spencer starts whining about how I started it and then something about how she was saving that sausage for last.

    “You have no respect for your superiors Ashley!” Spencer grumbled. Oooo I see how this is going to go, she’s going to pull this superior crap again. No freaking way!

    “May I remind you Princess that we are equals now? I’m a leader too now.” I say smugly thinking I’ve shut her up, but hell you know drill by now.

    “Nuh uh, your CO-leader. Got to walk before you can run Sweetie” Spencer says, sweetly. And I hate to say this, but I actually pouted. She just shot me down mid-flight and then clipped my wings, so cruel.

    “Ok kids, that is enough. You know its all fun and games, till some one gets slap in the face.” Evelyn jumps in.

    “That’s not how the saying goes.” Katie pointed out. Then they both start bickering, so Spencer and I start bickering again and not long after Kyla and Madison start, but I think they were doing it just for heck of doing it.

    After nearly 10minutes of this nonsense, I remember something that I was meant to tell Spencer. And by total accident I blurted it out that Arthur knew Spencer was gay, during our argument, which made the whole table go silent. Thankfully only our table heard.

    “W-what?!” she spluttered. She looked around the hall, checking each table out. When she reached the head table where her dad and barb sat she blushed deeply. All her dad was doing was smiling and waving to our table. “Did you tell him?” she asked quietly, looking at me with pleading eyes.

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    1. Shucks! I was looking forward to whooping some ass too but here you go and update. Not that I’m complaining! Big confessions and what an outing! I can see Aiden being kinda pissed….come on, you know you’ve got some more updating in you…so pms!

    2. ok so the food stealing had me cracking up cuz i hate when ppl do that and the apple juice omg!!! if i had ben drinking something i would have runined my laptop lmao just awsome cant wait to see what glen and adien do…..have a feeling things are gonna get a bit crazy lol pms please! :D

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