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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 34 – You can never have it all)

    “I would never do that Spencer, not unless you were ready for that and had given me the ok to do so. He said he had known for awhile and that he was waiting for you to come out to him on your own. He said he would always love, no matter what Spencer. You’re lucky to have a dad like him.” I replied.

    Spencer nodded slowly, looking down at her hands. When she looked up at me she was smiling brightly, she then surprised me by leaning over and hugging me tightly. “I’m going to tell him today.” She whispered. You could probably guess that I was grinning like a dork.

    She pulls back and gets up from her seat. She walks over to her fathers table, I watch as Spencer leans down to whisper into her dad’s ear. I don’t know what she said, but what ever it was made Arthur one happy man. He jumped smiling and pulled her into what looked like one hell of bear hug. The look on Spencer’s face actually made me a little jealous for a second; I’d do anything for my dad to love me half as much as Arthur loved Spencer.

    Once their father daughter moment is over Spencer comes trotting back over to me and girls. I can honestly say that I’ve never seen her smile that brightly before.

    “Wow I can not believe how much lighter I feel after that.” Spencer sighed, happily. I’m guess she just told her dad the big news, well big to her anyway. Papa Carlin already knew, but I guess it makes everything that much more real, when it’s officially put out there.

    “What did you tell him?” Kyla inquired, being nosey as usual.

    “I just told him I was in love with Ashley.” Spencer replied as if it was an everyday thing.

    The apple juice I was just about to swallow went squirting all over Evelyn who looked at me then herself, with a face of complete shock and disgust.

    “You didn’t just spit on me!?” She shrieked. Katie grabbed her napkin and began to dry her girlfriend off, mumbling something to the lanky model. Eve continued to go off on one at me, but my attention was firmly on the blonde next to me.

    “You’re what?” I asked, stunned. I know she said she loved me, but I don’t recall her ever saying she was ‘in’ love with me. This is so much bigger than just love. Like I love Madi and the girls, but I’m not in love with them.

    “I’m in love with you Ash. I thought it was obvious and I’m pretty sure we’ve been over this.” She replied, quietly. Suddenly she’s all shy and unsure of herself.

    Wow, I mean wow. This is really happening isn’t it…should I say it back, or what. I mean I don’t want to say it back and then have her think it that I’m only saying because she’s said it. Then again I don’t want to her to think that I’m not in love with her if I don’t say it back straight away.

    I know and you know I love her, but does she know just how much deeper my love goes.

    I ended up not saying anything I just jumped on her and kissed her. Right there in the mess hall filled with campers, councillors and let’s not forget the camps staff.

    It is quite possible that I had just made a very bad decision. I would say it was a mistake, but kissing Spencer will never be a mistake in my book.






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    1. Shucks! I was looking forward to whooping some ass too but here you go and update. Not that I’m complaining! Big confessions and what an outing! I can see Aiden being kinda pissed….come on, you know you’ve got some more updating in you…so pms!

    2. ok so the food stealing had me cracking up cuz i hate when ppl do that and the apple juice omg!!! if i had ben drinking something i would have runined my laptop lmao just awsome cant wait to see what glen and adien do…..have a feeling things are gonna get a bit crazy lol pms please! :D

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