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    Have A Little Faith In Me – (Chapter: To the Grave I’ll Love You In)




      “Ashley, wake up, I’m sorry.” Spencer’s soft timid voice filled her ears. “I was freaked out. I should have been more supportive and I know that this is your dream. I’m just scared, I hate being away from you. But I know we can make this work.”






     “I don’t know Spencer, what would you give me?” Ashley asked smiling sleepily into her pillow. Her tone was teasing and the blonde immediately relaxed. Spencer grinned in relief.




     “Follow me and I’ll show you,” Spencer replied. A familiar tone of huskiness crept into her voice and Ashley wasted no time in peeling herself off of the sofa the moment she heard the shower turn on.


     ~                                                         ~                                              ~







     The bus hit a bump and jolted Ashley from her memories. She looked around. The sun was on the rise and the sky was beginning to catch fire. She wasn’t sure when it had become harder to deal with being absent in Spencer’s life but it had. They talked on the phone constantly, and Spencer kept her updated on the latest college drama. Not to mention, calling her with various wedding decisions. A month into her tour she’d received a call from Aiden.


    ~                                                          ~                                              ~







      “Hey jockstrap! How’s it goin?” Ashley chirped happily into the phone.






     “This isn’t a pleasure call Ash,” his dulcet tones sounded dark and immediately she became concerned.






     “What happened Aid?” He was breathing heavily into the receiver and she sprung from her hotel bed and into a sitting position.






     “It’s Spencer, she’s…. she’s really messed up Ash,” Aiden began. Ashley gripped the phone until she was sure her fingers were going to bleed. “Clay was in an accident. He didn’t make it.”






      All of the air in Ashley’s lungs whooshed out of her in a small hiss. She muttered a quiet thanks to Aiden for calling and hung up the phone. Ashley hung her head in her hands and fought those dry sobs that were trying to escape her body. She began to pack her bags. The brunette flew to Midland the next day for the funeral, where she was met by Kyla at the airport. They drove to Spencer’s house in silence and the tension that Ashley felt was almost unbearable. She hadn’t dealt with her own father’s death well, how was she supposed to help Spencer cope? Upon reaching the familiar house, Ashley was shocked to see a motorcade surrounding the place.


    1. I spent several hours reading through “Everything and Nothing” and was thankful to know that “Have a Little Faith in Me” was the sequel, but I’m so wanting you to continue on the journey with Spencer and Ashley…so please update soon…this is the most heartwarming stories and I would like for you to finish…PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. I spent several hours reading through “Everything and Nothing” and was thankful to know that “Have a Little Faith in Me” was the sequel, but I’m so wanting you to continue on the journey with Spencer and Ashley…so please update soon…this is the most heartwarming stories and I would like for you to finish…PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

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