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    Have A Little Faith In Me – (Chapter: To the Grave I’ll Love You In)





    “What’s going on?” Ashley asked her sister. Kyla looked at her with sad eyes and put a loving hand on her shoulder.





    “Arthur’s here.” Spencer’s father. She’d never met the man but she that he was important. He was the highest ranking senior executive in one of the top PR firms in the country. He was also one of Spencer’s favorite people in the entire world. Ashley wasn’t sure why he needed protection but as she walked up the entryway to the house, she passed two hefty men in black suits on the way. Both of them had earpieces dangling out of their right ears and held a stance which she assumed was supposed to look menacing. Apparently when you were as successful as Art, people would literally kill for your job.






    Spencer was in the living room sandwiched between Glen and Aiden who were busy having the thumb war to end all thumb wars.






    “No dude you cheated!” Glen cried out as Aiden pinned him for the fifth time. Spencer looked up when Ashley entered the room. Ashley offered  her a tiny smile, just to say hi. The blonde leapt off the couch and in one fluid motion was in Ashley’s waiting arms. Her head was buried against Ashley’s neck and just held Spencer for a moment.





    “It’s gonna be okay Spence,” Ashley whispered into her ear trying to soothe the other girl. Spencer’s body was shaking and Ashley wrapped her into a tight embrace. “Shh baby shh.”






    Ashley smoothed Spencer’s long blonde hair and began to rub her back. Paula emerged from the kitchen, her eyes were rimmed with red and she wiped her hands with a white towel, giving the brunette a warm smile. The older girl returned the smile and held the still sobbing Spencer tightly. Aiden and Glen had gone back to having another thumb war. Ashley watched bemused, while Glen tried to poke Aiden in the eye in order to win. A tall man emerged behind Paula and crossed his muscular arms against his chest.


    1. I spent several hours reading through “Everything and Nothing” and was thankful to know that “Have a Little Faith in Me” was the sequel, but I’m so wanting you to continue on the journey with Spencer and Ashley…so please update soon…this is the most heartwarming stories and I would like for you to finish…PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. I spent several hours reading through “Everything and Nothing” and was thankful to know that “Have a Little Faith in Me” was the sequel, but I’m so wanting you to continue on the journey with Spencer and Ashley…so please update soon…this is the most heartwarming stories and I would like for you to finish…PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

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