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    Have A Little Faith In Me – (Chapter: To the Grave I’ll Love You In)





    He was handsome, the older man had strong features and had a very charismatic presence. What Ashley noticed the most above all things was his smile. It was the same warm smile that Spencer had. Ben peeped out from the kitchen and snatched Paula by the elbow dragging her back in and Ashley sensed the tension between the couple.





    “You must be Ashley,” Arthur boomed out. “It’s good to finally be meeting you, I’m sorry it had to be like this.”




    “You too sir,” Ashley replied delicately prying herself from Spencer who had yet to release her. She offered Arthur a hand shake but he shook his head. Spencer looked on in amusement wiping a stray tear from the corner of her eye.





    “I’m Arthur, and in this family we hug,” gathering a surprised Ashley into his arms and squeezing her until she ran out of air. She liked him immediately and pulled Spencer into the embrace. It wasn’t long before Aiden, Kyla and Glen had joined in creating a large group hug full of laughter and tears. Ashley had missed being home with her family because that’s what Aiden, Kyla and Spencer were. Her family. Even Glen felt like family sometimes.





    “You guys. Dinner,” Paula called from the kitchen. One thing about the Carlin family was even in tough times, the only thing they knew how to do was eat. Paula and Ben sat together at the head of the table very silent and Arthur manned the other end. That left the kids to the middle and although Ashley expected some sort of blow up, dinner went along smoothly. She loved how Arthur made everyone feel special and it was very obvious that he accepted her and Spencer. Ashley felt more at home than she ever had before but the house felt empty without Clay’s bright smile.





    Spencer barely spoke for the next day and a half, she merely laid in Ashley’s arms. The family had the services for Clay on Friday. The morning was dark and cloudy, the impending rain hung over the group like bad luck on a bad day. Clay was given a full Catholic service that was so beautiful it brought tears to Ashley’s eyes. The brunette never cried but she did as she bid farewell to the first member of Spencer’s family who’d accepted her. The graveside service followed the church ceremony, which had been a full celebration of Clay’s life.


    1. I spent several hours reading through “Everything and Nothing” and was thankful to know that “Have a Little Faith in Me” was the sequel, but I’m so wanting you to continue on the journey with Spencer and Ashley…so please update soon…this is the most heartwarming stories and I would like for you to finish…PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. I spent several hours reading through “Everything and Nothing” and was thankful to know that “Have a Little Faith in Me” was the sequel, but I’m so wanting you to continue on the journey with Spencer and Ashley…so please update soon…this is the most heartwarming stories and I would like for you to finish…PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

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