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    Have A Little Faith In Me – (Chapter: To the Grave I’ll Love You In)





    The family plus Aiden, Kyla, Ashley and Clay’s fiancé Chelsea bowed their heads as his casket dipped lower into the sodden earth. Spencer remained and placed a bouquet of fresh white roses on top of the grave, crying her salty tears into the fresh soil. At that very moment the skies opened up and a fresh autumn rain poured from the sky. Out of the corner of her eye, Ashley saw movement. There was a man standing about 100 feet away observing the ceremony quietly. He was hard to see but Ashley would have been able to see his shock of white blonde hair from a mile away. It couldn’t be…. But then he was gone as fast as he’d been discovered.





    Ashley remained with Spencer for another week until the blonde convinced her that she was alright. They argued but eventually the brunette gave in. She told Spencer to call her whenever she needed her and the blonde assured her that she would be fine. Ashley had wanted to stay but she left and returned to the tour. They still talked over the phone everyday but Spencer’s voice sounded hollow and Ashley began to worry about her constantly.

    ~                                                          ~                                                                      ~






    Ashley made her way to the back of the bus. The sun shone down on them now and the vehicle had grown warm. The brunette picked up her old beat up acoustic guitar, in the back she traced her fingers over the letters where she’d carved Spencer’s name. She strummed it softly, humming a gentle tune. It was going to be a long ride home. Sleep crept upon her and her eyelids began drooping as the vibration from the road lulled her into a nap. One of the other passengers stirred to her left and she looked over at him.





    “Sorry. Did I wake you?” She asked him. He shook his head and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.






    “Where are we going?” He asked. “I felt us pull a u-turn.”




    “Home.” Was the one word reply that came from the brunette who looked back down at the guitar and began to play.




    1. I spent several hours reading through “Everything and Nothing” and was thankful to know that “Have a Little Faith in Me” was the sequel, but I’m so wanting you to continue on the journey with Spencer and Ashley…so please update soon…this is the most heartwarming stories and I would like for you to finish…PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. I spent several hours reading through “Everything and Nothing” and was thankful to know that “Have a Little Faith in Me” was the sequel, but I’m so wanting you to continue on the journey with Spencer and Ashley…so please update soon…this is the most heartwarming stories and I would like for you to finish…PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

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