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    Hidden Identity


    “See something you like?” I tease her.


    “Yeah…” she trails off. It’s no secret my best friend is gay. It doesn’t bother me much that she thinks I’m hot; it just lets me know that I appeal to both sexes and I can get anyone I want.


    “Well then I guess this is a winner! I gotta go Ash, call you in the morning!”


    “Bye, Spence. Have a good time.” I hear her reply as I run to grab my heels and purse and run outside to my ride.



    It’s around noon when I finally wake up the next day, in my own bed, with a wife beater and boy shorts on. That was thoughtful of him, to get me in some clothes and tuck me in before he left. Last night is a bit of a blur. I did sleep with someone, but I don’t remember him clearly. That’s what happens after four straight tequila shots, I guess. I do remember that he was a quiet guy, had a great body, and was quite a good dresser, but I don’t recall what his face looked like. He had on a black long-sleeved button-down shirt with lighter black stripes, loose-fitting dark jeans, some custom sneakers, and a straight rimmed black baseball cap to top it all off. And he was a good dancer. And when we danced I think I remember feeling his package rubbing up against me. He was a great kisser. We had sex at my place. Oh, but what was weird about the sex was that he insisted on keeping his baseball cap, undershirt, and boxers on. I don’t even care, though, because he was a great fuck, very well-endowed, and his oral skills were amazing, the best I’ve ever had. Oh, shit, I have to call Ash!


    “Hello?” she picked up after a couple rings.


    “Hi Ash, it’s me”


    “Hey Spence, how was your night?” she asks.


    “Pretty good, I’ll have to tell you about it. Are you feeling better?” I reply.


    “Yeah, I am, thanks for asking.”


    “No problem, can I come over then?” I know the answer before I ask.


    “Sure.” She says, but I’m already on my way out the door.

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