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    Hidden Identity


    “Alright, I’ll be there in ten.” I said, and then hung up. I don’t know if I should tell her about last night. She sometimes doesn’t like to talk about my sex life with me; she gets all weird about it. I think I need to tell her though, I mean it was the best sex I’ve ever had. Before I know it I’m in her driveway, getting out, and walking up to her front door. I just walk in, as is pretty much routine with us.


    “Honey, I’m home! Are you in your room?” I yell out.


    “Yeah, come on up!” I climb the stairs and make my way to her huge-ass room.


    “Hey, I thought I would tell you about last night.” I greet.


    “Yeah, yeah, go ahead.” She responds, genuinely interested.


    “Well, once we got to the club I danced for about an hour with Madison. At about nine we went to the bar and ordered some tequila shots. After that things get fuzzy, but I do remember some things. Like this guy, great dresser, small frame, nice body. We started dancing, him behind me, rubbing up into me.” I stopped, making sure she still wanted to hear it.


    “Continue.” she said simply.


    “Uh, we ended up going back to my place, and we just started making out. It escaladed from there, ending in my bed…” I continue telling her about it, what I remember anyway, and when I finally get done with the story she says something that puzzles me.


    “I know.”


    “What??? What do you mean you know Ash?” I question her.


    “I know” she says again. I just look at her blankly for a moment, before she stands up and motions for me to do that same.


    “Close your eyes.” She tells me, and I comply. She leaves me for a moment to turn on some music, but comes back and starts grinding against my back.


    “Is this what it felt like when he was dancing with you, Spencer?” she husks in to my ear.


    “Y-y-yeah,” is all I can muster as my breath hitches. She has something bulging down below, making her feel just like the guy from last night.

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