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    Hidden Identity


    Suddenly, she turns me around, “Is this what his kiss was like?” she asks, slowly leaning into my lips, capturing them.


    “Y-yes,” I whisper against her lips as my arousal grows.


    Next, she lays me down on the bed, eyes still closed, and begins undressing me. I can’t believe this is happening right now. Everything she does feels just like him, as if it was her last night, down to the gentle, caring touch. Once I’m naked on the bed, she leaves me, only to come back moments later, laying her skin on mine. We both moan at the contact of our breasts, which only makes me wetter. She adjusts her position, causing something hard to rub against my pussy. She’s wearing a strap!


    “Open your eyes, Spence, please?” she asks of me. I do as I’m told, and I am met with dark brown, beautiful eyes. And then it all comes flooding back. Last night, it was her, I remember the face now, I knew it looked familiar. God, she is so gorgeous, how did I not see it before?


    “Ashley,” I gasp her name, “it was you last night!”


    “Yes, it was.” She says, turning her head to look away from me, as if she is ashamed.


    “Hey, hey,” I say, grabbing her chin and turning her face back to me, “it’s okay.” I tell her smiling at her before capturing her lips in mine.


     And we kiss, closed mouth, for what seems like ages. Then I open my mouth and lick her bottom lip desperately, pleading for entrance which she grants almost immediately. The kiss becomes hungry, desperate. I need her.


    “Ash, I need you.” I let out, breaking the kiss.


    And she listens. Without a word she begins kissing a trail down my body, starting at my lips, going to the side of my mouth, then down my jaw line, to my neck, briefly pausing to mark me as hers. Then she continues her kisses across my collarbone and down to my breasts and stops. She looks at them for a moment, admiring them before licking at my right nipple. I moan loudly, and this must egg her on because she takes the whole thing into her mouth and sucks and nips at it, while pinching the other between her thumb and forefinger, but not harshly. She has a loving touch that can’t be mistaken for anything else. When she gets done with my right nipple, she switches to my left, giving it the same treatment. My moans are constant now, and I’m getting so worked up I can hardly stand it.

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