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    Hidden Identity


    “Ashley, please.” I break the silence.


              She understands, looking up at me with love in her eyes. Then she kisses down my stomach to my waistline where she stops.


              “Are you sure?” she asks, looking scared, “now that you know it’s me?”


              “I’ve never been more positive, babe.”


              She nods her head and hovers above my wetness. I can feel her breath, and it is torture. She moves down, finally, and licks up my slit. I moan quietly, sliding my hands into her curls. I feel her start to open mouth kiss my clit, and it feels like I’m in heaven.


    “Fuck, Ash, you’re so gooooooood! I’m almost there!” I cry out, practically humping her face. And she does the last things I would expect her to do. She stops.


    “Wha-“I start, trying to catch my breath. “What was that?!”


    “I want to do what we did last night, Spence.” She replies huskily, eyes dark and breathing heavy. I nod my head and she climbs up on me, and once again, I feel the dildo on my pussy. “Do you trust me?”


              I nod again, and she slowly maneuvers the head to my entrance. I whimper as she slides it in slowly. It isn’t until right now that I feel how big it is. If I can estimate, I think it’s about 2” by 8”, but I’m no expert. It hurts, but feels great at the same time. I feel so full, like I’m going to burst. She starts to slowly pull out, and then pushes back in, and she builds up a slow rhythm, letting me get used to the feeling. I do get used to the feeling, and the feeling feels sooo fucking good.


              “Uh, faster,” I grunt out, but I think she gets the message because she speeds up her pace. I start pressing back up into her, and I know she feels it by the moan she lets out.


              “Yeah babe, right there!” I yell as she hits my G-spot.


              “Cum for me Spence.” She tells me, and who am I to deny her request?


              “Ashleeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyy!!!!!” I scream her name as I cum.


              “Oh, Spence!!!” she yells out shortly after as she cums.


              After we both ride out our orgasms, we lay there spent for a few minutes. She rolls off of me and removes her strap-on, then holds me tightly, spooning me until we both fall asleep. Right before I drift off, I can help but thinking that that was so not what I expected when I came over here to tell Ash about the guy I thought I slept with last night.


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