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    I Think About You In The Summertime – (Chapter: 2: Beach Girl)

     I was going to bake. Yeah, yeah cliche right? But that’s just what I did. I knew I said I wouldn’t but hey I was desperate. I cooked up about 3 dozen burnt chocolate chip cookies, made 2 different runs to the nearest grocery store, and had multiple flour stains on my shirt before I decided the fourth batch just had to do it because I could not take another. I wrapped them up in tin foil, and debated on whether to write something or not on them but decided not to since I would be talking to her if I was lucky anyways. It was about 6 or 7 I can’t recall and I made my way over to her beach house. I took a deep breath and knocked twice on their door. There was a bit of rustling, and I heard somebody say "I’ll get it!" So at least they were home right?

     My dream girl hadn’t answered the door but an older looking, aggravated woman did. I could tell she was at least trying to be friendly the way she had her fake smile plastered to her face. "Why hello there." She said to me. "Hi." I almost whispered suddenly wondering why I was over there in the first place. This was crazy, I just made cookies for the girl I didn’t even know her name. She eyed the plate of cookies and asked," Can I help you?" "Oh right, yes." I coughed," I made these for you all because I figured I might show some neighbor friendliness and give a proper hello" I said extremely unsure of myself wanting to run at any moment. But then I looked over and I noticed the girl was standing about a foot away behind this lady and I kept my feet planted right where I was.

     I didn’t know it then but by the end of the summer I was going to have known every inch of her, every inch of this house. I was going to know how her mood just by catching the look in her eyes, how she bit her lip when she was nervous, the way her head turned ever so little at an angle when she talked about something she felt strongly about, the way every other stair creaked and when I was sneaking in and out I had to use them to my advantage, how the light in her room always flickered at first when turning it on, and how unbelievably, and impossibly in love with her I became in those 3 months.

     "Hello" She said. She looked me right in the eyes. Her gorgeous baby blues…

     It was so indescribably weird how I felt like jello right then, how my heart sped up and slowed at the same time, how she gave me butterflies without me even knowing who she was or what your story was like, and how badly I wanted to take away every ounce of pain she held in those eyes.

     She had me at hello.





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    1. Just caught up on your first chapter and then this. I like what you’ve done so far and would really like to read more if you feel like obliging??

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