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    I Think About You In The Summertime – (Chapter: 3: Dinner at the Carlins)

    “You should come in you’re just about in time for dinner.” Mr. Carlin asked. I was pretty sure that Mrs. Carlin wanted no part of me in her dinner plans but I accepted. I walked inside and took my flip-flops off as I looked around the very new and clean house. I held my hands over my chest feeling a bit… okay extremely awkward. 

    “Come with me!” Spencer grabbed my hand and led me upstairs. I was still in a daze that this whole baking thing actually worked. Who knew? I personally thought it was just in the movies. I followed her up the stairs as Mr. Carlin and Glen were smiling at me.

    We get into her room and she shut the door. I’m in a daze and I just stand there. We were in her room…alone. Her room was painted a teal blue, and her sheets were white with teal flowers on them.


    Her bed was a queen size, just like mine. She had two different dressers both had different perfumes, and lotions on the top. 

    “Sorry it’s a little messy.” She said to me. She should come see my room if she thinks this is messy I thought to myself. 

    “Oh, no it’s fine.” I smiled at her. She returned it.

     “So where are you from?” She asked me. “California. What about you?” I asked her. “I’m from a really small town in Ohio. About 10 hours driving from here.” She said to me. I asked her how long she was in town, and if she had a boyfriend (hey I had to make sure), I asked her favorite color, what she did for fun, and a bunch of other stuff. 

    We only talked for about 30 minutes before dinner was ready. But in that amount of time I figured out that her birthday was August 15th she was turning eighteen this year, she was a dog lover, she wanted to be a journalist when she was older, she was extremely afraid of the dark she even showed me her night light, we laughed about that for little, she loves the summer, she was even staying in Ocean City until the end of summer just like me, she told me she was single and had been hurt not only a month before.

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