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    I Think About You In The Summertime – (Chapter: 3: Dinner at the Carlins)


    I wondered how anyone could possibly hurt this girl, why would anybody choose to?

     I asked her what happened as I put my hand on her shoulder and I looked her in her eyes. I could tell she was tearing up and although I had just met her I immediately felt defensive. I wanted to know who he was, and where he was located. My blood was boiling and I felt the need to protect her for whatever reason it was. She began to tell me it had lasted a couple years, and he cheated on her with her best friend. How after her first time she cried, and he hadn’t cared. I could feel the sorrow coming out of her and it was starting to seep into me as well. She hadn’t started crying thank God because I probably would have lost it. 

    I clenched and unclenched my fists. She looked up at me and asked me why he would do that to her? I didn’t have an answer… I had no idea what to say but I wanted to tell her how beautiful she was, that the guy was a jackass, he had no idea what he lost, I wanted to tell her how when I first saw her it felt like I had the wind knocked out of me, how when she disappeared I hadn’t stopped thinking about her, I really did want to say all of this… but the truth is I didn’t even have the guts.

    I always thought I was a hard ass, that I could do anything and anyone at anytime. That nothing mattered. I gave no body sympathy and I certainly didn’t take any of it. 

    That was until Spencer. It felt like my way of life suddenly shifted, that the once ballsy and unstoppable Ashley finally had a purpose and a reason to care for somebody but herself. I finally found my other part.

    You know how sometimes people talk about their significant other and say oh they’re my other half? Spencer was that to me. My other half, no wait my BETTER half.


    She was everything I wasn’t. I was crazy, she was reserved, I was extremely picky, she took what she was given, I was tough, she was classy, I had street smarts, she was smart, i was stubborn, she was open-minded, i was a pessimist, she was an optimist. 

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