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    I Think About You In The Summertime – (Chapter: 3: Dinner at the Carlins)

    We both had one thing in common though.

    Each other.


     We sat there on her bed until her mom called us down for dinner. I sat at the seat next to Spencer and in front of Glen. Devil woman at the head of the table and Mr. Carlin on the other end. Everybody’s heads dropped and I had no idea what was going on.


    Did something fall? What? All of a sudden I felt Spencer’s hand enclose around mine. Hey, I didn’t know what we were doing but I was starting to like it. As did Mrs. Carlins.. eehh..


     "Bless us oh Lord in these thy gifts which we are about to receive from thy bounty through Christ our Lord. Amen."


     Ah.. so we were praying. Silly me.


    Mr. Carlin had cooked Spaghetti and meatballs, a classic of course. It was a lot better than Ramen noodles that’s for sure.

    We sat around for a good hour having the usual small talk. Where I was from, how long I was staying, basically the same stuff Spencer and I talked about just with the entire fam.

    What I didn’t get was why pip squeek kept trying to play footsie with me underneath the table the entire time. That was just annoying. I think he even caught Spencer’s foot by accident anyways because she yelped and kicked him underneath the table. He apologized but went back to making flirty eyes with me. Wasn’t gonna happen… sorry buddy. Not my type to put it nicely. Besides I wanted his sister.

    "Thank you Mr C. I mean Mr. Carlin and Mrs. Carlin for dinner tonight." I made my way to the door.

    "Oh Ashley it was our pleasure to have you…"


    Mr. Carlin nudged the Mrs. she looked surprised and straightened up a little, "ah yes it was Ashley and thank you for the cookies." 

    "Oh not a problem." I smiled my best fake smile at her showing off my pearly whites. I reached for the doorknob while catching Spencer’s eye.

    "And Ashley?" I looked up at Mr. Carlin.


    "Feel free to come by anytime for dinner, you know if you get lonely or ever are hungry. Oh and Mr. C is just fine" I smiled and this time it wasn’t fake.

    I thanked them all again, as Glen kept trying to get me to take something from him. A small piece of paper with chicken scratch writing on the back of it. His number I guessed? Na no thanks. That I was ready for.

    But I was completely caught off guard when I felt someone’s arms wrapped around me. I breathed in her scent, from that moment on I knew it and loved it.


    It was Spencer. I could feel me start to blush and that is NOT something Ashley Davies does, well did. I caught her eye and she mouthed the words "thanks" to me. And I gave her my best nose crinkling one of a kind smile. 

    "Do you want to go to the beach tomorrow or maybe the boardwalk or something?" She asked me.

    "I would love to" I said as I put on my flip flops and made my way home.

    I remember feeling like I could fly after that night. I ran up the front stairs to the porch and jiggled my keys getting the right one. I hummed a tune I didn’t even know, I skipped into my bed not even bothering to change my outfit.

     I dreamt of you that night… again. I can’t quite remember the dream to this day but I know that you were in it, and I know that I remember sitting there basking in your presence. I think we were at the beach again. What was with us in beaches huh?

    I still refused to let myself believe it was love I was experiencing so early on. No, it’s too soon, I just met the girl. It can’t be… Can it?


    I pushed it out of my mind too many times to count. Until I couldn’t really run any further from the truth.

    I was head over heels for you all ready, and you didn’t even have a clue.



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