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    I Try To Deny It – (Chapter: What’s with up with that?)


    “Sure.” I reply. Great response, Davies.


    Ashley slowly seats herself next to Spencer and smiles.


    “How long have you been going to King High? I’m sure I’d remember you if met you before this year.” Ashley queried, even though she already new the answer.


    “About two months. I moved from Ohio with my family.” She responded.


    Ashley’s curiosity was peaked, although she knew that if she was going to win the bet it shouldn’t be.


    “You’re family… any brothers or sister? Or are you an only child?”


    “I’ve got two older brothers, what about you?”


    “It’s just me. My mom didn’t want any other kids after me and my dad, well he wasn’t around enough to care for me, let alone someone else.”


    “Why wasn’t he around, if you don’t mind me asking?” She inquired cautiously.


    “He was always on the road with his band. You might have heard of him. Raife Davies?”


    A genuine smile lit across Spencer’s face.


    “Yeah, I have. My dad listened to him a lot when we were smaller. My brother was really into it and he even tried to learn to play the guitar. It didn’t last long though. He quit as soon as he found out how often you have to practice to actually be any good.” She gave a small laugh at the memory.


    This girl wasn’t how I imagined her to be. I thought she was going to be self-absorbed, loud, and obnoxious. She was the opposite though. This is fucked up.


    I play the guitar. I guess your brother and I have something in common, except for the quitting thing.”


    Spencer tilted her head and Ashley’s insides melted. This was not good. Ashley stirred herself and refocused on her goal.


    “I tried it once.” Spencer said self-consciously. “I wasn’t all that good. I picked out a few cords and then a string broke. Now I’m pretty certain that I’ll never play an instrument.”


    An idea formed in Ashley’s head.


    “I could teach you if you want me to…”


    Spencer laughed and gave Ashley an amused look.


    “Thanks but I don’t think you’d want me as a student. I suck.”

    “You don’t suck, I think you’re great.” The brunette said unknowingly.


    Spencer blushed and that was when Ashley realized what she said.


    “I mean… you could be great if you wanted to. It’s really easy once you get the know-how. Just, uhm… let me teach you and if after one lesson you don’t learn anything then you don’t ever have to try again.” She rambled off.


    Spencer gave her a lopsided grin and agreed with a shake of her head. The rest of class went smoothly and through out the whole course their conversation included laughter, grins, and subtle flirting from Ashley.


    If she truly admitted it to herself, Ashley would have to say that the two girls were becoming fast friends and Spencer was forgetting all the rumors she had heard. She was completely screwed. Plans began to formulate in her head as to how she could possibly still win the bet. She’d have to lie to Aiden… or maybe the bet just didn’t matter. She really liked Spencer and the only thing she was losing was a hundred dollars. If in return she gained a friend then she thought it was worth it.


    The bell rang and the girls walked out of the classroom. Ashley scrambled for something to say and blurted out the first thought in her head.


    “Do you want to eat lunch with me today?’


    She held her breath waiting for the answer. Spencer beamed at her and enthusiastically agreed. Yup, fast friends indeed.


    They said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. Ashley dodged behind people, trying to avoid Aiden for as long as possible while Spencer watched after turning around.


    She’s a strange girl, Spencer mused to herself. But there’s something about her that I like. Thoughts continued their frenzied path in her head. And what was with that feeling I got every time I looked at her, or the way my skin tingled when she touched me? Only time would tell, or so Spencer hoped. She pushed the worry to the back of her mind and sauntered off down the hall, happy with her new friendship.

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    1. I think your story is really great. And your writing is not “bad”.. I like it and the chemistry between them expatiates till germany where I live. So please continue and I hope the relation between both doesn’t break if Spencer will hear about the bet (Madison) or what will Ashley do when she notices, and I guess so, that she feels more. And what is it, what Aiden wants? Please more…Natalie

    2. I think your story is really great. And your writing is not “bad”.. I like it and the chemistry between them expatiates till germany where I live. So please continue and I hope the relation between both doesn’t break if Spencer will hear about the bet (Madison) or what will Ashley do when she notices, and I guess so, that she feels more. And what is it, what Aiden wants? Please more…Natalie

    3. hey you. thanks for the sentiments :) . i had a better day. saw the G’ma she seems good :) went to the beach ..which didnt suck hehe im on the coast so its close lol… so yeh i think your story is great so keep writing it!!!

    4. hey you. thanks for the sentiments :) . i had a better day. saw the G’ma she seems good :) went to the beach ..which didnt suck hehe im on the coast so its close lol… so yeh i think your story is great so keep writing it!!!

    5. I’m sorry that I am late commenting on this. I’m catching up on my reading. I loved this! I don’t know if it’s just me but the way you wrote their chemistry was making my skin feel all tingly. Maybe it’s because of stuff going on with me right now. I don’t know. But I love when a story does that to me. PMS!

    6. I’m sorry that I am late commenting on this. I’m catching up on my reading. I loved this! I don’t know if it’s just me but the way you wrote their chemistry was making my skin feel all tingly. Maybe it’s because of stuff going on with me right now. I don’t know. But I love when a story does that to me. PMS!

    7. I don’t usually comment, but on the last post i just wanted to share my day (i guess your pleas got to me) and now i think i just like the fact that you answered me back. Also i am very content, sitting here with my huge cup of coffee, the way i see it my day started off good and post made it a little bit better. Anyway, geat post keep going. PMS! P.S. mmmm coffee

    8. I don’t usually comment, but on the last post i just wanted to share my day (i guess your pleas got to me) and now i think i just like the fact that you answered me back. Also i am very content, sitting here with my huge cup of coffee, the way i see it my day started off good and post made it a little bit better. Anyway, geat post keep going. PMS! P.S. mmmm coffee

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