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    I Write Sins Not Tragedies – (Chapter: First Date)


                “Actually, if you go downstairs, you’ll find something from me. Now you don’t have to wear it if you don’t want to, but I saw it when I went shopping the other day, and I thought it would be perfect for tonight.” Okay, now I’m totally confused and completely curious. I make my way down the stairs, and when I arrive in the foyer, I notice a white box on the ground, by the door. What the hell? How come nobody told me about this? “Are you downstairs?” she asks somewhat impatiently.


                “Yes, yes, hold on just a sec,” I reply as I start to untie the bow around the box. Once that’s out of the way, I take off the lid, pull back the tissue paper and take out the dark blue material. I gasp as I hold up the dress. It’s gorgeous. There’s no other word for it. Like I said, it’s dark blue, but it has a small amount of silver glitter. It’s a spaghetti strap and at the waist it flares out just a little bit and it looks like it’ll stop right below my knees.


                “Do you like it?” she asks after a minute of silence. I forgot she was still on the phone. She sounds slightly nervous.


                “I love it,” I respond in a whisper.


                “There’s something else too,” she says, and I notice that there’s a shoe box next to the white box that the dress was in. I remove the top, and inside is a pair of black heels and it’s the style where you tie the ribbon up your calf. The dress and the shoes are all my size.


                “Ash, how did you know my size?”


                “I um…well…” she sounds as though she doesn’t want to tell me, which of course just makes me want to know all the more. “I’ve spent so much time…um…exploring your body and what not, that I just guessed for sizes,” she finally admits. Wow…I can’t believe it, but she’s good!


                “Wow, babe, you shouldn’t have. This must’ve cost you quite a bit.”


                “Hmm, oh well! I took off the tags, so I can’t return them!”


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