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    I Write Sins Not Tragedies – (Chapter: First Date)




                “Oh…look at the time, I’ve gotta go. I’ve got a hot date tonight, and I wanna look

    fabulous!” I couldn’t help but laugh. My nerves suddenly eased tremendously.


                “All right lover girl, I’ll see you at seven. You gonna be on time?” I tease. I hear her scoff.


                “Of course I’ll be on time! This is a pretty important date!” Okay, that got me nervous again. “Okay now, shoo, go! Get dressed for the date! Or you know what, you don’t even have to get dressed!



                “What!?! I’m just saying…”


                “The whole point of the date is to get to know each other…minus all the sex!”


                “Hey, I didn’t mention sex! I simply stated that I would have absolutely no problem with you going nickid,” she informs me while adding a bit of an accent to the word naked. I roll my eyes despite the fact that she can’t see me.


                “Like you’d be able to keep your hands off of me if I was naked!” I’m waiting for some sort of response, but all I can hear is heavy breathing. “Ashley?”


                “What?” she replies sounding somewhat surprised.


                “You okay?”


                “Yeah. You know, we should really stop with this whole talking about you naked. It’s just turning me on, and is not good for our supposed sex-less date.”


                “It’s not a supposed sex-less date…there will be no sex on this date!” I reply in protest.


                “Hmmm, we’ll see about that. Bye, Carlin!” she hangs up the phone before I can get in the last word. I sigh as I look down at her gifts. Well this helps me out a great deal. Now I don’t have to worry over what to wear.



                Seven o’ clock is quickly approaching, and I’m beyond excited and nervous. I’ve decided to keep my hair down and curly, it looks better with the dress. The dress is so beautiful, and surprisingly comfortable. I head downstairs and slip on my shoes. Ashley will be here any minute. Mmmm, something smells delicious! I’m starving, and I smell food coming from the kitchen. I poke my head in and see my dad stirring something in a pot.


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