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    I Write Sins Not Tragedies – (Chapter: First Date)


                “What!?! But Spencer, we’ve already slept together!” I shrug.


                “Sorry! But you know what?” She stares at me waiting. I grab her hand and shake it. “Thank you and goodnight!” And with that I go inside. I believe I hear her bang her head and groan in frustration. I look out of the peephole, and once I notice her walking to her car, I run back outside, grab her by the wrist, spin her around so she’s facing me, and kiss her passionately. I then pull away and laugh at her half confused, half aroused expression.


                “What was that for? I thought you don’t kiss on the first date!”


                “Hmm, I don’t. But the date’s over!” She smiles and shakes her head.


                “You’re something else.”


                “But you love me.”


                “I do. Do you want to come over to my place for a while?” she asks. I nod my head, and we go back to her house. We go up to her room and sit down on her bed. We both remove our heels and let out sighs of relief. Heels can be such a bitch! She then gets up, heads over to her dresser and hands me boxers and a wife beater. We both change and sit back down on her bed.


                “So, you don’t have to tell me, but what was in your coat?” I ask. I didn’t want to push it, but she really had me wondering. She blushes, but remains silent. I don’t think she’s going to tell me, but she stands up once again, heads over to her coat and pulls out a small box. A small box for a ring…oh shit!


                “Well, I had this in my coat, because I wanted to give it to you tonight, but then I thought it might be too soon. My heart is racing, and I can’t find anything to say. “It’s not an engagement ring, or really even a promise ring, but it’s a Claddagh ring.” I look at her in confusion. She opens the box and I peer in. It’s silver and in the middle is a heart with a crown on it being held by two hands. “It tells people whether or not you’re in a relationship. If it’s worn with the heart facing away from your body it means you’re single. If it points upwards, towards your heart, it means you’re in a relationship. And I wanted to give it to you, and I was hoping you know, you’d maybe, be my girlfriend? Like, officially be my girlfriend.” I’m still speechless as I admire the ring.


                “I’d love to be your girlfriend!” I exclaim happily. She grins at me and places it on my finger with the heart facing towards me. With that I kiss her again.

    “Oh, I almost forgot!” she says leaning towards one end of the bed. What else could she possibly have? She comes back up with a bouquet of roses. “I meant to give these to you when I picked you up, but I forgot,” she admits with another blush. I don’t believe I’ve seen her blush this much!

                “Thank you! They’re beautiful!” I reply happily. I place them on the nightstand next to me, and we resume our kissing. We don’t actually go all the way, but after some kissing, we do cuddle up to each other, wrap our arms around each other and fall asleep.



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