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    I Write Sins Not Tragedies – (Chapter: Let ’em fight, Let ’em fight!)


                Kyla pulls Ashley into the locker room, and I place myself outside the door, listening to their conversation. There’s the good thing about having such a crappy locker room, the door doesn’t close all the way, and so you can hear what’s being said.


                “What the fuck Kyla?” Ashley asks angrily. “Do you have a reason for randomly pulling me in here? Are you planning on killing me?”


                “As tempting as that is, I need to talk to you,” Kyla tells her in an angry voice that she used when she first moved to L.A. and Ashley was being a bitch to her.


                “And this couldn’t wait until we got home?” Oh yeah, Ashley’s pissed too. There’s definitely a lot of tension between the two. My fault. Totally and completely my fault. I continue to feel bad that I’ve ruined a relationship which took so long to build in the first place.


                “What am I supposed to do? Talk to you in your room knowing that just a few days ago you were fucking my girlfriend in your bed? I bet you haven’t even changed the sheets!” Hmm, I hope she has. I’m a bit of a clean freak at times. Wait…what am I thinking? There’s a huge argument about to ensue, and I’m the cause of it. I shouldn’t be thinking about Ashley’s sheets! I look back at the sisters through the crack in the door and notice the older Davies rolling her eyes. She’s got the whole, ‘I don’t give a fuck what you think,’ look and the stance that matches. Hot I’m telling you…hot. On the other hand, Kyla’s there with her weight on her right side, hands on her hips, and her eyes narrowed. She does look pretty sexy when she’s angry.


                “I don’t see why we need to talk in the first place,” Ashley responds honestly. The two look as though they could kill each other. Not good.


                “Do you love Spencer? I mean, do you really love her?” Kyla’s trying to sound as though the answer won’t faze her, but I can hear the tone of desperation underneath. Ashley stares at her as if trying to figure out her sister’s motives.

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