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    I Write Sins Not Tragedies – (Chapter: Let ’em fight, Let ’em fight!)





                “Yes,” she finally replies with as much conviction as she can muster. “I love her very much.” Kyla looks away. “But why does that matter to you? She cheated on you. Do you honestly want to take her back?” Kyla looks back up at her with new found anger.


                “You would love that, wouldn’t you? For me to just give up, to just leave Spencer alone and you two could live happily ever after. But you don’t know if she loves you.” Ashley looks slightly taken aback, and I must admit, I’m shocked as well. Where is this coming from? The older girl quickly masks her shot and puts back on her poker face.


                “You don’t know if she loves you either,” she retorts. Kyla sighs and shakes her head.


                “You’re right, I don’t. And I feel so completely stupid. My girlfriend cheated on me…with my sister,” she says this last part in disgust, and Ashley rolls her eyes. “I should want to be done with her, to stop feeling this way, but I can’t. I wish I could just listen to my head and forget about her, but she’s different than any other girl I’ve dated. I love her, and if she does love me, then I’m willing to work things out. Because at least that means she never loved you.” Ouch. That last part was…harsh. I think she realizes it too because she puts her hands over her mouth. Ashley’s seething. I think she just might kill her sister. The loud slap resonating in the air is proof that she is indeed with her half sister. Oh boy, don’t tell me they’re going to beat the crap out of each other.


                “Fuck you, Kyla! I screwed up, okay? Why the fuck are you taking this out on me?” Ashley has always been able to hold her own, and she’s never had a problem standing up for herself, but neither has Kyla. It’s definitely obvious to see that they’re related. Neither one of them looks as if they’re going to back down. What have I done? They were getting along so well before I decided to come along and screw around. This needs to be fixed.

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