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    I Write Sins Not Tragedies – (Chapter: Let ’em fight, Let ’em fight!)


                “Because I’m in love with her! Because I don’t want to not be with her, and I couldn’t stand it if she chose you over me! We’ve been dating! She’s already told me she loves me! For you two, it was just physical. I don’t care if I’m being selfish or a bitch right now…I just want to be with her!” the last part comes out desperately. Ashley’s eyes soften.


                “She is easy to fall in love with, isn’t she?” Kyla nods in response. “Then you understand how I feel. I love her too. It’s not just physical for me, and I hope to God it’s not just physical for her either. But if she loves you Kyla, if that’s how she really feels, then I’ll accept it, will you?” Kyla takes a while to think about it before finally nodding her head in agreement.


                “Sure…let’s see what she says.” I bolt as I notice them heading my way. Great, looks like I’ve got a decision to make and soon. I can’t keep hurting these two. I just can’t. I think…I think I know who I love. But how do I tell one without hurting the other? They both have come to mean a lot to me. And how do we continue a relationship when they’re sisters? Whatever the consequences, whatever the price I have to pay, I need to be an adult and stop running away from my problems. Even if it means hurting someone, I need to be honest.



                I arrive at home only to see a familiar car parked out in front. It’s Kyla’s car, and I’m wondering why after avoiding me this entire time, she’s choosing now to talk to me. But I guess this works. We can talk about prom, sort things out, and then I can tell her, I can finally tell her who I’m in love with. And then of course, I’ll tell Ashley, and they can both be put to rest.


                As I get out of my car, she walks towards me with a shy smile. The smile I haven’t seen since she first told me that she liked me. The one that allowed me the courage to accept her invitation to go out with her.


                “Hey,” she says softly.


                “Hey,” I reply with a smile on my face. She kisses me on the cheek and then blushes.


                “I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you lately,” she admits.


                “It’s fine, don’t worry about it. I understand. You have had every right not to talk to me.”


                “I was hoping we could talk about prom, and just, hang out for a bit, maybe?” I smiled and nodded my head.


                “Sure, let’s head inside.”

                After a couple hours, we had the times sorted out, when would be the best to get in pictures, how we were planning on styling our hair, and everything else related to prom that was need to talk about, was talked about.


                “Kyla,” I say, wanting to finally tell her who I love. She looks up at me and raises her eyebrow, waiting for me to continue. “I just want to let you know, that I’m sorry for doing all of this. Cheating on you, and with your sister, that’s just…I don’t know how you’ve managed to forgive me,” I start off feeling like I need to apologize. “I’m sorry too that I’ve been dragging you and Ashley along while I’ve been trying to figure out who I love. I want to let you know that I love…”

                “Spencer,” she says interrupting me. I look over at her. “I don’t want to know.” I’m now looking at her in confusion. “I don’t want to know until after prom. I know that sounds weird, but I wouldn’t be able to go to prom with you if you’re in love with Ashley. If you love me, that’s great, that’s fantastic. We can work things out. But I can wait. Don’t tell me until then. And if it is Ashley, then please, just hold out, for me? As a favor? Because I want to spend prom with you.” All I can do is nod my head in agreement. So, prom it is.

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