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    I Write Sins Not Tragedies – (Chapter: Smut of course!)


                I groan as I feel the loss of contact of her lips as well as her right hand. But she’s positioning herself once again. The offending lazily teases its way down my body as her mouth pays attention to the breast that has been left unattended. She’s rubbing her hand along my wet folds, but never quite give me what I want, what I need.


                “Please Ashley!” I beg wanting to feel her inside of me. Wanting her to fill me like she hasn’t in two weeks. She pulls away from my right breast and gently blows across the nipple and looks up at me with an evil grin. She has also stopped the exploration of her right hand, and it’s resting just outside my entrance.


                “What is it that you want?” she asks me in an innocent yet husky voice. I try to buck my hips against her finger, desperate for some friction. This causes her to pull her hand away. “Bad Spencer,” she scolds playfully. “Use your words!” If I wasn’t so sexually aroused right now, I’d probably just leave. But this is Ashley we’re talking about, and I need her.


                “You,” I mumble out barely coherent.


                “What was that?” Oh Damnit! Why is she doing this?


                “You!” I say enunciating.



                “And what is it that you want me to do?” She is enjoying this far too much.


                “I want you to fuck me!” I practically yell out. “I want you in me, I want you to pump in and out of me fast, hard, and deep,” I tell her hoping that she’ll give me what I want. I know talking dirty to her is one way to really get her turned on. I’m right. She can’t stand to wait anymore, and I’m soon given what I’ve been craving. She thrusts two fingers inside of me and I yell out a “yes!” in happiness. She’s quick to add a third finger after realizing just how wet I am. We find a rhythm, and I know it won’t be long before she has me coming. She places kisses down my stomach and soon her head is between my legs, and I can feel my excitement grow at the prospect of what she’s about to do. More profanities escape me as her hot breath hits my sensitive skin. She then takes my clit into her mouth, sucks, and then gently bites down. This action sends me over the edge, and I whimper as she removes her fingers and cleans them of my essence. She then allows herself to lick me clean, which causes me to have another orgasm. She then places herself next to me, and when I’ve regained my breath, I look over at her. She’s looking quite pleased with herself, and I know it’s time for me to fulfill my part, and I’m more than happy to.

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