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    I Write Sins Not Tragedies – (Chapter: Smut of course!)


                I would love to tease her as she did to me, but right now I don’t have the patience to tease. I want to make her come. It’s been too long since I’ve seen the look of pure ecstasy cross her beautiful face, and I love knowing that I’ve caused it. I can feel that she’s more than ready for me, and I allow my fingers to slam into her. She moans out as I steadily build up the thrusting of my fingers. I allow myself to indulge in her taste, and after a few minutes, she cries out my name. I love the way she says it as she reaches her pinnacle, and I couldn’t be more proud that I’m the reason for her pleasure.


                After a few minutes of rest, we’re at it again. Only this time we take things more slowly. We’re more gentle, and we take time to explore each other’s bodies. Even though we started off rough and urgent, I know that this whole time is different than all the other times we’ve slept together. Before we were just screwing around, we were fuck buddies. There were no emotions attached, and we were in it for sexual gratification. But now things were different. Our hearts are on the line, and we know how we feel about each other.


                I bring my lover to another orgasm after she has brought me to my peak twice more, and then place myself right beside her. She looks so beautiful. She’s lightly covered in sweat, and she looks completely satisfied, just how I like to see her. The glassy look her eyes held moments ago starts to fade, and she looks into my eyes with so much love that I can’t help but to smile. I kiss her forehead gently and run my hand through her soft brown tresses. She’s smiling back at me and lets out a content sigh.


                “Hey, Spence?” she asks, and I notice the hint of nervousness in her voice.


                “Yeah?” I ask as I continue to play with her hair knowing that it keeps her calm and relaxed.


                “I was wondering if you wanted to…well, you know, go out on Friday.”


                “Hmm, are you asking me out on a date Ashley?” I ask teasingly. She blushes slightly but nods. I chuckle softly at how completely adorable she is. “I would love to go on a date with you,” I admit truthfully. This brings a genuine grin out of her and she simply snuggles closer to me. I pull her blanket up around us and settle in for some well earned rest. “I love you,” I tell her softly, happy that for the first time we’ve made love.


                “I love you too,” she whispers back before falling into a peaceful sleep.

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