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    I Write Sins Not Tragedies – (Chapter: That’s a Wrap)


                “So you don’t regret falling in love with me?” I ask just to be certain. If Kyla’s the only family she has, then why would she throw away all that she’s worked for with Kyla for me?


                “Spence, Kyla’s been here for me, it’s true. But one day, she’ll find someone to be with, perhaps start a family. We’ll see each other for holidays, if things aren’t too hectic, and we’ll send each other birthday cards. But you…I want to spend every day with you. I want to be with you for my whole life. I love you. I love Kyla, sure…but it’s a different love than I feel for you, and the love I feel for you is different than the love I’ve felt for anyone else. Kyla’s not the one I’m going to be coming home to every day in the future, I want that to be you.” I smile, very impressed, flattered, and happy with her response.


                “I love you,” is all I can manage to say. It doesn’t sound nearly as eloquent as her beautiful speech, but I put all my feelings into those three words, and I know that she knows it’s my way of telling her that I want what she wants. It’s my way of telling her that I want to spend the rest of my life with her, through the good and the bad, through thick and thin. She gently kisses me and takes my hand in hers. We make our way over to her car, and end up seeing Aiden and Kyla over by his car, talking. All four of us make eye contact, and Kyla gently nods her head in our direction. We both smile back and hop into Ashley’s convertible. Aiden didn’t look nearly as pleased, but I hope in time he can find it in himself to forgive us. I wouldn’t want to loose his friendship completely, although if I do, it’ll be warranted, and I could never blame him. Ashley and I take off towards my house, still courteous of the fact that Kyla’s not completely comfortable with the thought of us making out a couple rooms away from hers.


                Fortunately no one is home when we arrive. Glen and Clay are both happy that I’m happier, and that I’ve found someone I truly love. My dad is supportive of whomever I date, and even though I know he really liked Kyla, he’ll come to like Ashley after he spends some time getting to know her. I mean, c’mon, what’s not to love about her? He told me the other day that if Ashley makes me happy, then he’ll gladly welcome her into our home with open arms. I think the whole date that she had set up for our first official date really won him over. He told me that he could tell she loved me by the way she was looking at me when she picked me up. My mom is still a bit hesitant. It took her a while to accept me being gay. I had come out in Ohio, and while she had initially been upset, she told me she loved me. She simply adored Kyla and her polite, kind, and loving demeanor. So when I told her that we had broken up, and that I was now dating her sister, Ashley, she wasn’t exactly thrilled. I ever so kindly left out the fact that we had both cheated, although I’m sure she suspects as much. She hasn’t said anything, so I take that as a good thing.


                Ashley and I make our way up to my room, sharing sporadic kisses. I can’t get enough of her. We make our way over to my bed and decide to just lie down and hold each other. I feel so protected whenever I’m around her. I love it. I love her. I know what we both admitted earlier seems pretty presumptuous. We’re 17 and we want to spend the rest of our lives together, in a time where divorce is prevalent, and young teens are always claiming to find their one true love, and then breaking up months later. But we both know it’s different, we’re different. We really do love each other, and I know we’ll spend the rest of our lives together.

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