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    I Write Sins Not Tragedies – (Chapter: What’s Gonna Happen?)


                “I have to go talk to her,” I explain, hoping that she’ll understand. She looks down, probably afraid that miraculously, Kyla and I will get back together, and leave her in the dust, but she nods her head. Before I get up, I kiss her on top of her head, and then start looking around for my clothes. I can feel her watching me, and I know it’s wrong, but my body’s responding to the feel of her eyes grazing my body. It sounds pathetic, but I rush out of the room after throwing on all my clothes, afraid that I won’t be able to resist jumping Ashley again. See what a terrible girlfriend I am?


                I immediately head to Kyla’s room, hoping that she’s there, or even in the house really. I hear sobs coming from her room, and am surprised to find that the door is unlocked. I knock on it gently and open the door.


                “Ky?” I ask softly.


                “GO AWAY!” she yells between sobs.


                “Please Kyla, can’t we talk about this?”


                “Talk about what Spencer? That you’ve been fucking my sister behind my back for how long now? Not to mention that you’re one of Aiden’s best friends!”


                “Kyla,” I try again.


                “Damn it Spencer! Why are you even bothering to talk to me? Your clothes are rumpled, your hair’s a mess, and you smell like sex! Sex and…her…and you want to talk to me now? Are you just trying to rub this in my face?” There’s that constricting pain again. I sigh in frustration, not entirely sure what to do. Kyla’s right though, I shouldn’t be trying to talk to her now. Not right after it’s happened. Maybe I’ll try tomorrow. When I get back to Ashley’s room, I notice she’s no longer in the bed, but in the shower. I leave her a note saying that I’ll talk to her tomorrow. What is it that I’m going to say? I have absolutely no fucking clue.



                The next day at school is hell. I’ve been keeping my eyes open for Ashley and Kyla, but they’re nowhere to be found. I’m not actually sure whether or not they came to school, but I’ve sent them text messages all day anyways, asking them both to call me. No such luck.

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    1. let me help you out with this one hun. its ASHLEY you’re in love with lol. otherwise you would’ve stopped it a long time ago. sorry charlie…or kyla in this case…she love ashie. spencer love ashie. ashie make spencer’s heart go thump thump! :-D

    2. let me help you out with this one hun. its ASHLEY you’re in love with lol. otherwise you would’ve stopped it a long time ago. sorry charlie…or kyla in this case…she love ashie. spencer love ashie. ashie make spencer’s heart go thump thump! :-D

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