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    I Write Sins Not Tragedies – (Chapter: What’s Gonna Happen?)


                It’s lunch time now, and I’m hoping to run into one of them. Or maybe Aiden can at least tell me where Ashley is. Oh fuck…Aiden. I wonder whether or not Ashley’s broken the news to him. If not Ashley, then surely Kyla’s updated him on our devious ways. Speaking of Aiden, here come the jock now. He doesn’t look pissed. That’s good, right?


                “Hey Spence,” he greets, not sounding angry, but somewhat suspicious.


                “Hey Aiden,” I say in a conscientious tone. “What’s up?”


                “Well, I was wondering what’s up with Kyla and Ashley.” I give him a puzzled look, trying to look innocent. “You see, Ashley’s been avoiding me all day today. She didn’t meet me before homeroom like we usually do, and she won’t answer any of my calls, and when I asked Kyla about it, she became rigid, and told me to ask you about what’s going on. She looked hella pissed” JESUS! Really? They’re leaving this up to me? They want ME to tell Aiden? Well that’s just great!


                “So, so you haven’t talked to Ashley yesterday, or today?” I ask nervously. Now he’s really looking at me suspiciously.


                “Uh, no…Spencer, what’s going on?” Oh no, he’s going to hate me. I wonder if

    he’ll punch me? I mean, I know I’m a girl, but I have been sleeping with his girlfriend.


                “Well, Aiden…you see…um, there’s really no easy way to tell you this…” he was staring at me intently watching me fumble with my words. “Ashley and I…well, we’ve been sort of, well not sort of, but we’ve been…um…sleeping together,” I explain whispering the last two words. His eyes grow wide, but he doesn’t say anything. I think he’d letting all of this hit him. Then his eyes narrow as he glares at me.


                “You mean….you mean to tell me…that one of MY best friends…has been…fucking my girlfriend behind my back?” I give a small nod, not really able to say anything. Damn! These situations sure leave a person speechless! “How could you do that Spencer? How could you do that to me? To Kyla?” I shake my head. I don’t have a response other than stating it started out as raw, physical attraction. Somehow I don’t think that’ll go well with him. “Damn it! Say something!” he exclaims as he hits a locker, causing me to jump a little.


                “What’s there to say, Aiden? That I’m sorry? Well I am. I’m sorry that I hurt your feelings, I really am. and I can’t even begin to apologize to Kyla about how sorry I am that I hurt her, but Ashley and I…”


                “Do you love each other?”


                “Ashley loves me…” I see the pain cross his eyes. Now, I’m not saying that sleeping with someone while being with someone else is okay, but it’s easier to handle someone having sex with someone else. That’s purely physical. But to know that the person you love, loves someone else, that has to be the worst pain imaginable.


                “Do you love her?” he asks, his voice is thick with emotion, and I can’t look at him any longer. I look to the side, and that’s when I notice that Ashley and Kyla are both walking towards me. They’re coming from different directions, but end up considerably close to me. What is it with the Davies and their timing? I swear!


    Humans have that whole natural, ‘fight or flight’ response, and I suppose I wouldn’t have made it in the past, because I do the only thing that seems rational to me. I run. I keep running, ignoring the strange looks I receive from the other students. I stop when I make it to the other side of campus, and I fall through the bathroom door, and lean against the wall trying to catch my breath. My phone beeps once, then another time, indicating I have two new text messages. The first one is from Kyla, and it reads, “Spencer, we really need 2 talk. meet me by your car after school.” Of course, the next one is from Ashley. “S, srry i’ve been avoiding u. picking u up @ your house @ 10 tonight.” Oh goody…now it’s time to face some truths, and provide the answer to the question that’s now plaguing everyone’s mind…who am I in love with?

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    1. let me help you out with this one hun. its ASHLEY you’re in love with lol. otherwise you would’ve stopped it a long time ago. sorry charlie…or kyla in this case…she love ashie. spencer love ashie. ashie make spencer’s heart go thump thump! :-D

    2. let me help you out with this one hun. its ASHLEY you’re in love with lol. otherwise you would’ve stopped it a long time ago. sorry charlie…or kyla in this case…she love ashie. spencer love ashie. ashie make spencer’s heart go thump thump! :-D

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