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    I Write Sins Not Tragedies – (Chapter: Where’d They Go?)

    “No!” I say in a rush. “I just…I don’t know.” She’s still glaring at me.

    “I thought I should at least let you know where I’ve been, but I don’t need you insinuating that I could just get over you that quickly and that I could just…I don’t know…become straight all of a sudden and try to sleep with Aiden.” Oh yeah, she’s pissed.

    “I’m sorry I rushed to conclusions,” I say sincerely. “Where were you?” She quiet for a minute, and I know she’s trying to calm herself down.

    “Aiden’s family has a vacation home in Tahoe. After the whole prom…incident, we wanted time to reflect. And well, since we were both in pretty much the same position, we kind of leaned on each other for support. We did a lot of talking, broke a few things, and now we’re back.” I nod my head. It makes sense, and I’m glad she at least had someone to talk to, since I obviously can’t be there for her. And it’s not as if she really made any other friends.

    “Oh,” is all I can manage to say. I feel bad about thinking her and Aiden had sex. Seriously…how does she hold herself together? I know that if our positions were reversed, I’d be bawling. There’s an awkward silence, and we’re both looking around. That’s when my eyes fall upon the open bathroom door and Ashley stepping out of the shower. Okay, so she’s wrapping herself in a towel…no Ashley…don’t do that! Just ya know…keep it off…

    “I kinda wanted to talk to you about something,” Kyla finally said looking over at me. I reluctantly tear my eyes away from Ashley and try to pay attention to her.

    “What’s up?” I ask raising my eyebrows.


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