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    I Write Sins Not Tragedies – (Chapter: Where’d They Go?)

    “Yeah, I’ll be fine. I’ll call you when I get home.”

    “All right, be careful.” She’s so cute when she’s being protective. I gather up all my things, including the flowers she gave me, and I head down the stairs and back home.


    It’s Monday, and I’m so damn nervous! Now that the four of us are all back at school, gossip is going to spread like crazy. Last week Ashley and I kept things pretty low key. I’m by my locker when I see her approach. She looks a bit tired, but still gives me an award winning smile.

    “Hey,” I greet softly.

    “Hi,” she replies and she gives me a kiss. I’m surprised to say the least. I wasn’t sure how she’d feel about PDA, especially since she’s not officially out, but it doesn’t seem to bother her. “I love you, and I don’t care who knows it,” she replies answering my internal question. She takes my hand in hers and laces our fingers. That’s when the whispers begin. Judging from the fact that Aiden and Kyla were both missing all last week, and now Ashley and I are holding hands, all things have been cleared up. Yup, we’re together, and I’m sure everyone knows we cheated on them, and despite feeling somewhat uncomfortable, being gay has allowed me to become accustomed to being talked about. And Ashley has never been concerned about pleasing the general public.

    Unfortunately, it’s the glares coming from an ex-best friend that unnerve me the most. It’s lunch time, and I’m waiting for Ashley at the lockers. I finish taking out all my necessary books and packing them away. I’m bent down, so I don’t see the tall figure approaching. My locker slams shut and I look into angry green eyes.

    “Spencer,” Aiden says in a warning voice. “We need to have a talk…”


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