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    I Write Sins Not Tragedies – (Chapter: Who Do I Love?)

    “So, Spence, Saturday night, just you and me?” she asks hopefully.

    “Yeah…Saturday, just you and me. Uh, where will Ashley be again?” I try to sound as nonchalant as I can. She laughs casually.

    “I imagine she’ll be at Aiden’s. I’ll make sure she’s not there.” Usually I have no problem being with Kyla within a reasonable time after being with Ashley, but things are different now. Everything is different. I have to figure out whether or not I love Kyla, or if I love Ashley.


                I’m here, lying on my bed…again. This seems to just be the optimum place to do a shitload of thinking. Where else can I get away from everyone? If I am in fact, in love with Ashley, where do we go from there? Reveal to Kyla and Aiden that we’ve been screwing each other behind their backs, that we’ve been deceiving them? Yeah, that sounds like a great plan. No matter how I look at it, I’ve cheated on my girlfriend. It doesn’t matter whether or not I had any emotion attached to my encounters with Ashley, the fact of the matter is, that I’ve cheated on her. And then where do we go from there? Surely telling Aiden and Kyla leads to quite a few fucked up friendships and relationships. But being able to be with the one you love, nothing beats that.

     And if it’s Kyla that I’m in love with? Then shouldn’t I be able to stop whatever it is that Ashley and I have? Isn’t that what you do when you love someone? You forsake all others, resist temptation, and all that other good stuff? Well sure, of course, but for some reason, I can’t leave Ashley alone. I feel like I always have to be around her. I love to make her laugh, I love to make her smile, I love to make her moan, and scream out my name. Okay! I’m completely distracted now. Right…if I am in love with Kyla, that would mean me giving up Ashley, which would break her heart. In all fairness, she didn’t say it to my face, which would then mean, I could go on pretending as though I never knew she was in love with me. No! That’s not going to work either! Ugh! Damnit! This is so frustrating!


    1. OMG! I just caught up with this fic and i love love love it! I feel bad for kyla and aidan but it’s spashley, so it just has to be! Update soon!!

    2. OMG! I just caught up with this fic and i love love love it! I feel bad for kyla and aidan but it’s spashley, so it just has to be! Update soon!!

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