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    I Write Sins Not Tragedies – (Chapter: Who Do I Love?)

    By speaking those three words, Ashley opened up a floodgate of emotions. Just thinking back on the time we’ve had together, the small laughs, the short stories about our childhood, or when I’d reveal something to her about me, and she’d reveal something to me, showing me that she trusts me, all of this has got me thinking that maybe I am in love with the older Davies.

    The other part of my heart brings me back to Kyla. Maybe she isn’t the first girl that I’ve been with, but she’s the first one I’ve told that I’ve loved, the first girl I gave myself to, and she’s been with me through a lot in these past few months. I let out a frustrated yell into my pillow, and realize that there isn’t much more thinking I can do now that comparisons between the two girls are all meshed up. I need to get some sleep, think things through. Maybe spend some more alone time with Ashley, actually talking, before I can actually say whether or not I’m in love with her.


                I groan as I step out of Glen’s car and the sun hits my eyes. So much for getting some sleep last night. My mind continued to run with thoughts of the Davies sisters, and my possible feelings for each.

                “Hey Carlin, are you going for the scene look today?” My ears perked up at the familiar voice of one Ashley Davies. She was smiling brightly at me, and her eyes spoke volumes. I could definitely see the lust in her eyes, and a hint of love which she tried to suppress. I guess you learn how to read someone’s eyes after hours of staring into them while having sex.

     I give her a confused look. “Well, let’s see, you’ve got on dark denim jeans, a black shirt with skulls on it that says,” with that she pulls back my black zip up hoodie, and I feel the goose bumps on my arms as she ‘accidentally’ allows her hand to graze my breast,  “I love you to death’ and your hoodie. And you’re wearing black and white chucks.” Had I really put on that shirt? How ironic. It wasn’t something I’d usually wear, but I couldn’t resist buying it when I saw it at Hot Topic.


    1. OMG! I just caught up with this fic and i love love love it! I feel bad for kyla and aidan but it’s spashley, so it just has to be! Update soon!!

    2. OMG! I just caught up with this fic and i love love love it! I feel bad for kyla and aidan but it’s spashley, so it just has to be! Update soon!!

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