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    I’m Coming Home

    "Spence. Go see me tomorrow. For the last time, please. I promise you baby, things’ll get better within time. I love you." The brunette-figure silently spoke, dissapearing after placing a kiss on her girlfriend’s quivering lips.

    "No! Ash, come back!" Spencer gripped her father tighter, sending the sound of nerve racking sobs into his ears.


    "A Beloved Daughter." Christine spoke, her voice quivering. But Spencer knew different. Beloved daughter my ass! They didn’t give a flying fuck about Ashley. I care about Ash, not her. It should say ‘A Beloved Girlfriend and Best Friend.’ She wiped a newly shed tear from cascading down her face. It was her turn to speak, and though she did not know if words could escape her, she had promised herself, and her only love, that she would come and speak. And so she did.

    "I… Ashley and I, we were in- In love,"She began, tears unable to stop flowing down her flushed cheeks, "And I still am in love with her, and always will be. She was m-my best friend. No one c-could ever take Ash’s spot in my heart." She leant over the casket, "No one could ever take your spot in my heart, Ashley Davies, I love you too."

    And she left, placing a light kiss on the casket top, where she assumed the girl’s head would be. 


    The pills would not kick in fast enough. Cut’s wouldn’t bleed bad enough. She had time, but in her heart, there seemed to be non to spare. She read the note, one last time.

    Spencer Carlin. My first love, my last love, my only love. I put you through so much, and you stuck by me. Why? Why didn’t you just run away like the others? It made this decision so difficult. I know I’ve made the worst choices before, but this, this is my best. Please don’t think this was your fault, God knows it wasn’t. I love you so unbelievably much, Spence, and I’ll be waiting for you, until forever if I have to.

    I’ll be watching over you, baby.


    Spencer folded the note back up, placing it with her own. "I’m coming home to you, Ash, you don’t have to wait any longer." And she soon drifted into a never ending sleep in her car, the engines deadly fumes running in the garage.

    Now you’re a treat in the lovely spiders lair,
    Oh, now don’t we make a darling pair?
    Did you ever weep at the scent of my hair?
    Do you remember me now?
    Please baby- Do you remember me now?

    Hush pretty fly, Don’t say a word,
    I’m the cage, Darling- you’re the bird.
    Save your breath- Kiss me goodnight.
    Please baby, just kiss me goodnight.

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