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    Incomprehensible – (Chapter: Chapter 2: New Fantasy)



    She burst into her class throwing open the door. The whole class looked up at Ashley and she gave them all a small wave. Yes, yes I’m here…

    “Ms. Davies!” Ashley laughed when she detected surprise in the old mans voice.

    “Yes Mr. Rosin it is I, Ashley,” she laughed again, “I know I’m late but at least I’m actually here for once!” The teacher smiled at her.

    “Okay, you do have a point…just take a seat and don’t interrupt my class again.”

    “Okay!” Ashley said as she bounced down to her seat. It was a couple of seconds before she realized that someone was actually sitting in the desk next to her. No one ever sat next to her, everyone knew better than that. She turned to face the person, only to be met with the most gorgeous pair of eyes Ashley had ever seen in her life.

    “Hi I don’t know if you know who I am…wait you wouldn’t have sat next to me if you knew who I was…I’m Ashley Davies.


    “And I’m Spencer Carlin,” I stated back simply before turning back to the front. This girl is obviously high and I am not in the mood to deal with this shit…Ashley tapped her shoulder, Spencer ignored her but she just wouldn’t stop.

    “What? I’m actually trying to learn something…” Spencer snapped Ashley was taken aback. No one talked to her like that.

    “Excuse me?”

    “You heard me.” Spencer surprised herself with that usually she was a laid back shy girl. Hey new town…new Spencer… At least the brunette had stopped bothering her. I don’t know why my parents would be so worried about me doing drugs…it’s people like- that. She looked at Ashley, who convince me to not take drugs. She sighed and then focused all her attention on Mr. Rosin’s lecture. When her physics teacher had finished speaking Spencer grabbed her books and left making sure the brown eyed girl next to her couldn’t get in a word.


    The rest of the day passed by pretty smoothly for Spencer, no high girls, and no physics. Spencer was thinking about how much homework she had acquired in one day. Her thoughts pre-occupied she didn’t see the girl walking straight toward her. As fate would have it they collided. Spencer immediately started apologizing over and over.

    “Watch where you’re going newbie,” the Latino stated to the blonde she had just crashed into. Truthfully it was partially her fault she was also not watching where she was going but…no one needed to know that.

    “I’m sorry…”

    “Yea well…hey wait…you’re Glenn Carlin’s sister right?”

    Spencer laughed, “How did he do that he’s only been here one day and everybody knows his name!” The girl’s mouth twitched as if she was going to smile but she held it back.

    “I’m Madison, head cheerleader, your brother told me that you used to cheer back in Ohio…you ought to come to auditions today.”

    “All right, yea definitely, thanks…”

    “Don’t read to much into it…see you later…” Madison finished as she sauntered away.

    “Well I guess that wasn’t too bad,” Spencer muttered to herself as she picked up the rest of her books and continued on.


    Ashley showed up at the basketball practice still thinking about those eyes. Why the hell did I agree to see Aiden? Oh no that’s right he has information about my physics partner! God she’s beautiful! Damn it’s times like these where I wish I had a photographic memory!

    “Aiden! Hey Aiden!” the basketball looked up at the brunette for a second, enough time for someone to pass him the ball and for it to hit him smack in the face. Ashley burst out laughing. Aiden frowned at her after being yelled at by the coach to get his ass in gear. After practice Ashley approached the raven haired boy all trace of amusement gone from her features.

    “Aiden come on we both know that I’m here for info not for chit chat so let’s go!”

    “Feisty! I always liked that about you…” Aiden whispered into the brunette’s ear. Ashley pushed back and looked into Aiden’s eyes.

    “Just give me a name…”

    “Okay, okay,” he pointed at a blonde basketball player, “see that guy that’s Glenn Carlin…he has a little sister named…Spencer Carlin…”

    “Thank you Aiden for once you’ve done something right” Ashley snapped and turned her back to the very confused guy, “Spencer Carlin,” she whispered the name to herself. I like it…Spencer Carlin…welcome to my fantasies…

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    1. Ha! Dude. I’m loving the story. You’re like an actually decent writer. I mean you are way better than some of the other loser writers on this site. I feel honored that you post your stuff on this site. I really like the story. Freaking awesome. Keep it up and PMS please. I can’t wait!!!

    2. Ha! Dude. I’m loving the story. You’re like an actually decent writer. I mean you are way better than some of the other loser writers on this site. I feel honored that you post your stuff on this site. I really like the story. Freaking awesome. Keep it up and PMS please. I can’t wait!!!

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