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    Invisible – (Chapter: 22)

    Erin looked at me and smiled as she plugged her phone into her charger. I felt my face flushing finally knowing how Spencer felt about me. She still loved me, of course. And I love her back.


    “I guess your gonna head back to the madness?” Erin asked from the bed and pulled the covers over her.


    “I guess so.”


    “It was a weird coincidence that we ended up here and Spencer has no clue where hanging out together. Funny isn’t it?”


    “Hysterical. This get away was fun.”


    “It sure was.”


    “And thanks for letting me crash her in the hotel.”


    “What was I gonna let you do, sleep on the streets?” Erin replied taking off her glasses and setting it on the nightstand to the right of her.


    I looked over at her serious.


    “Well…I could-”




    “I’m kidding. Of course I wouldn’t let you. But I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t be on the streets for too long. Some horny guy would’ve picked you up and let you sleep with him.”


    “So not funny.” I smiled.


    “Then why you smiling?”


    “Cause it’s a free country.”


    “Well God bless America!”



    “I guess I’ll catch with you later?” I said bringing Erin into a hug.


    “Yeah, New York was fun.”


    “I’m glad we spent our get away time with each other.”


    “Now enough of this talk, you should go get Spencer.”


    I smiled at her and brought her into another hug.


    “You’re the greatest.”


    “I’m just a well taught lesbian.” She laughed.




    I had just awoken when I heard my phone ringing.




    “Spencer.” A familiar voice said.




    “Your one and only.”


    “Uhh, what brought you to calling me?” I replied walking around trying to find my wallet.


    “Well I was wondering if I could, you know…”


    I spotted my wallet and ran towards it.


    “…Come over.” Ashley replied uneasily.


    Her question caught me by surprise and I didn’t see the table that was right in front of me. Bump.


    “Oh my god, Spencer.” Ashley screamed into the phone.

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