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    Invisible – (Chapter: 33 (Part 1))


    I heard someone walk next to me and sat down. I didn’t bother to look up.


    “Can I get a beer?” The guy asked lazily. I heard the bartender rummage around the ice cooler and finally took one out. He gave it to the man after taking off the cap.


    “So, how many have you had?” The guy asked.


    I lifted up my head slowly and looked at him. He looked fairly familiar. “Aiden?” I mumbled. My vision was getting a little blurrier than before and it was very hard to distinguish who the man was.




    I laughed lightly and smiled at him. “Yeah, that’s me.”  He got up from his seat and wrapped his arms around me holding me in his big muscular arms. I patted his back softly as inhaled the sent of his cologne. Calvin Klein, just like I remembered.


    “So, you’re a tennis player right?”


    “Yeah, I guess.”


    “I also knew you were a little too good to be playing with the girls.” He laughed taking a big gulp of his beer. My head was still pounding and I wasn’t in the mood for reminiscing at the moment.


    I just nodded my head lazily and lowered it onto the counter. “I guess you’re a little drunk.” I moaned slightly in response.


    “Hmm, well this is going to be fun.”


    I lifted my head lightly. “Can you stop talking, your making my head hurt.”


    “Sure, only if you would do something for me.”





    Present Day…



    I turned around quickly heading towards my car. Tears began to fall from my eyes as I heard Spencer calling after me.


    “Ashley, stop. Ashley, wait!” She called out running towards me. I turned around angrily. “What? What do you want?”


    “I didn’t think you were going to drop by.” She said quietly brushing my shoulder. I shook her hand off angrily and continued towards my car.


    “Ashley, I’m-”


    “You what, Spencer? Your sorry?! Oh how wonderful, your soo sorry. You go sleep with some guy and you think that I wasn’t going to find out. Do you think you can just play me like that?”


    “He’s not just some random guy.”


    “Oh really now. So you’ve been doing him for awhile now? That’s just great. Thanks, Spencer for making my day.”


    “Ashley no. You can’t just end this, you can’t just leave.”


    “No Spencer, you did. You left me.”


    “I…I don’t understand.”


    “See that’s the point, Spence. You don’t. You never do.”


    I turned around and headed towards my car. Leaving her house…leaving the pain.

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    1. I was so surprised to see this awesome story updated…wow, good to have you back! However, did Spencer really have to sleep with Aiden…OMG, this is going to be the nail to seal this damn coffin. Loved the update and now I’m moving on to the next one!

    2. I was so surprised to see this awesome story updated…wow, good to have you back! However, did Spencer really have to sleep with Aiden…OMG, this is going to be the nail to seal this damn coffin. Loved the update and now I’m moving on to the next one!

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