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    Invisible – (Chapter: 33 (Part 2))


    “Psycho bitch? I am not a psycho bitch!” I yelled shoving him away from me.


    “You need to calm your ass down, before someone calls the cops on you.”


    “Fuck you! Just fuck off.” I said angrily. I kicked him in the shin before returning to my car. I stuck the key into the ignition and drove off.



    I picked up the phone and dialed Ashley’s number. It ringed and ringed…and ringed again.


    “Hey, this is Ashley. Leave a message.”


    I clutched the phone to my ear, sighing lightly. “Hey, Ash. Please just pick up your phone, call me back….Bye.”


    I turned off my phone and threw it across the room angrily. My body ached and I couldn’t even get up the energy to walk back to my room. I laid down onto my couch. The couch, was so soft, so comfortable, and the only thing that was there for me.




    I looked at my cell phone as it began to vibrate. 1 new voicemail: Spencer.


    “Hey, Ash. Please just pick up your phone, call me back….Bye.”


    I looked down at my phone and deleted the voicemail. Voicemail Box: Empty.


    A deep sigh escaped my lips as the tears began to fall again. I wiped them away angrily, knowing that I wasn’t the problem in the relationship, and yet it still affected me. More than I have ever though it would.


    I picked up my phone and dialed Erin’s number.


    “Ash, what’s up?”


    I sat there silent.


    “Ash, what’s wrong?”


    A tear fell from the corner of my eye, as I remembered, the last time Spencer had hurt me. I ran away to New York, and there Erin was. The only support I had.


    “Hey, Erin.” I finally said.


    “What happened?”


    “Spencer, cheated on me.”


    Erin fell silent. She was angry at Spencer, for doing that to her friend.


    “I don’t understand. What happened?”


    “I, I don’t know. I just went to her house, and there was this guy.”

    “Guy, what guy?”


    “Aiden, I think that’s the bastard’s name.”


    “Aiden!” Erin exclaimed.


    “Yeah, why who is he?”




    I sat there, I tried to scream, but nothing came out.

    ”Ashley…Ashley…are you there? What did he do?”


    I looked at my phone and closed it. That bastard is going to pay.

    Page 2 of 212


    1. All hell is about to break loose and it ain’t going to be pretty! Spencer, what were you thinking…Aiden, the ex-husband, really? Poor Ashley…I think I would be done too! Excellent update. PMS

    2. All hell is about to break loose and it ain’t going to be pretty! Spencer, what were you thinking…Aiden, the ex-husband, really? Poor Ashley…I think I would be done too! Excellent update. PMS

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