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    Invisible – (Chapter: 34)


    “Hello, Aiden…” I smiled slyly. “Can I come in?”




    I smiled lightly and stepped into his house. The inside was whiter than what was outside. It looked as if the house would kill be if I would get something a little dirty. That wouldn’t be a problem…


    “Why are you here? How do you even know where I live?”


    A playful grin formed across my face as I slowly walked up to him. I placed my hand gently on broad shoulder leaning into him. Our lips touched sending a huge shock into his body.  He retracted his head back and looked at me. “Whoa, what was that?”


    “Your really…hot.” I whispered into his ear as my hands began to roam his back. I kissed him again, this time a little rougher. He moaned lightly, tangling his hand in my hair. I walked him towards the kitchen table and made. My lips still roaming his, I grabbed his hand and pulled it behind his back. I slowly took out the handcuffs in my back pocket and then ask quickly as I could, I cuffed his hand to the leg of the kitchen table.


    I got off him and wiped my lips with the back of my hand. “Pretty boy, ain’t that smart.” I laughed. He grunted as he tried to break him around out of my hand cuff.


    I walked towards the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. I scanned the drinks and finally helped myself to a beer and some Pepsi. I took off the cap of my beer and took a big gulf before I started having a little fun. I twisted off the cap of the liter of Pepsi and walked into the living room where Aiden was still trapped in.


    I looked over at him and winked at him. “So you, slept with my girlfriend?”


    “Yeah, so what. I could do a way better job then you can. A woman like her needs the real thing.” Aiden said arrogantly.


    “Well, well, well, aren’t you a little conceited.” I said and slowly poured the Pepsi onto his white carpet. He screamed in shock and tried again, to release himself from the hand cuffs.


    “I’ll be back.” I said and left the room. I stood in front of the white carpet stairs and slowly poured the Pepsi as I made my way up the stairs. The second story of the house had pictures and pictures of Aiden and his family…Oh well. I ran down the hallway spreading my arms to each of the walls knocking down all the frames.


    “Bitch, what are you doing?!” Aiden yelled from downstairs. Bitch? I ain’t no bitch. I grabbed the pepsi and threw it towards the end of the hall way where a frame kept a big picture of him. The liter hit the glass, causing it to shatter onto the floor.


    “Now that’s how you do it.” I said to myself and made my way down stairs. I walked into the room where Aiden was at and stood infront of him.


    “Touch my girlfriend again and I swear I’ll kill you.” I said to him. I picked up my foot and kicked him in the balls. He gripped his balls with his free hand as he descended painfully to the floor. I took out the key and dropped it on the floor, just a little farther then he can reach.


    “Nice talking to you, Aiden.” I smiled at him and let myself out of his house.

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    1. Ashley has effin’ lost it…man I never expected her to be that vindictive…wow! And I’ve never quite seen a house, “Pepsi’d”. LMAO! Can’t wait to see what happens next. PMS

    2. Wow…I hate Pepsi…so that alone would’ve killed me. Well, Ash is no joke, Aiden better chill out. I hope Spencer finds out, so she knows her woman is still in love with her…nice post. Cheers mate.

    3. Ashley has effin’ lost it…man I never expected her to be that vindictive…wow! And I’ve never quite seen a house, “Pepsi’d”. LMAO! Can’t wait to see what happens next. PMS

    4. Wow…I hate Pepsi…so that alone would’ve killed me. Well, Ash is no joke, Aiden better chill out. I hope Spencer finds out, so she knows her woman is still in love with her…nice post. Cheers mate.

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