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    Spencer looked away from Ashley and down at her drink. She just couldn’t fathom the girl’s beauty for a little while. It almost made her miss the girl more than when she wasn’t near her. Spencer’s ears perked up and she could hear the brunette singing. She could feel the lyrics as if they were directly pointed at her. She turned around to face the stage once more. And a set of brown eyes were staring back into hers. This wasn’t a dream or her imagination. Ashley was looking right at her and no one else. Spencer tried to remain calm as her heart fluttered with anticipation.

    And I don’t want the world to see me
    ‘Cause I don’t think that they’d understand
    When everything’s made to be broken
    I just want you to know who I am


    Ashley’s eyes stayed fixed on her. Spencer’s mind began to race with situations and foreshadows. She wanted nothing more than to kiss the girls succulent lips and hold her. Her eyes stayed locked onto Ashley’s. Neither girl looked away. Spencer thought her heart was going to pound out of her chest. Finally she looked away, paid the bartender and stood up.

    And I don’t want the world to see me
    ‘Cause I don’t think that they’d understand
    When everything’s made to be broken
    I just want you to know who I am


    She didn’t exactly know why she was leaving. She just couldn’t handle being so close to Ashley but so far away at the same time. It tore her up inside. Why couldn’t she ever have enough courage to even talk to the girl? When Spencer turned back around Ashley was still staring at her. She could feel her brown eyes transfixed on her.


    And I don’t want the world to see me
    ‘Cause I don’t think that they’d understand
    When everything’s made to be broken
    I just want you to know who I am


    Spencer grabbed her purse and walked towards the door. She had to take her time maneuvering between all of the people packed into the place. Spencer glanced back up to the stage. Ashley was watching her walk across the room. But she wasn’t going to stay. Spencer gave her one last long gaze and then walked out the door. She tried to convince herself at that moment that her dreams would never come true.

    She walked home, thinking the whole way. She would never tell anyone her secret. Some part of her wanted her to. But she couldn’t share her biggest fear and her biggest want with simple strangers. As her eyes finally looked up from the sidewalk, that she had been staring down at, a figure stepped out of the darkness. At first Spencer was hesitant of the person’s intentions. As she looked down at the person’s hand she noticed a box-like object. It was a guitar case. She finally saw the person’s face in the light and her heart skipped a beat.


    I just want you to know who I am

    Page 2 of 212


    1. I’m at a loss of words right now, thats how good this story was. Your writing is fantastic. I hoping there’s a chance for another chapter. I’ll beg for it if you’d like!!

    2. I’m at a loss of words right now, thats how good this story was. Your writing is fantastic. I hoping there’s a chance for another chapter. I’ll beg for it if you’d like!!

    3. ok jess…i think i just might be in love….with your writing that is! lol DUH! i cant get enuf of this stuff…i swear its like my crack :Dgood stuff-Tiff

    4. ok jess…i think i just might be in love….with your writing that is! lol DUH! i cant get enuf of this stuff…i swear its like my crack :Dgood stuff-Tiff

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