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    It Always Goes Back to Us – (Chapter: 2)

    My cousin came from behind and placed her arm around me. “Spencer, come on.” She shook me lightly and smiled. “It’s our weekend hang out with just the family.” I looked down at my phone again…just the family.

    The day had passed by quickly because we went everywhere! I missed hanging out with the cousins, but in the back of my head I knew that Ashley was waiting for my call. My heart began to ache knowing that I couldn’t call her without having my family tell me “to get off the phone. Weekends are for family time.”

    By the time I got home it was 8 and throughout the whole day I wasn’t able to call Ashley. I signed on AIM quickly hoping she would understand.

    I looked at my buddy list and there her screen name was. I smiled but then I saw her status below. “I call and call but still I don’t get a call back. I feel so unloved, so neglected right now. If you sign on don’t even try to talk to me. DON’T.”

    I read the status over and over again and soon enough a tear fell down my cheek. I clicked on her screenname and attempted to talk to her.

    ahhh it’s Spencer: Baby, please don’t be mad.

    I sat down in front of my desk for 5 minutes, still no reply.

    ahhh it’s Spencer: Ashley, talk to me. Please

    Still no reply, but her status on her AIM changed. “She finally has time to talk to me and it’s already the end of the day. I feel unloved, neglected, and angry.” I grunted angrily and slammed my fist against the desk.

    “I’m sorry!” I screamed to my computer. “I’m fuckin’ sorry!” I started to cry.

    ahhh it’s Spencer: Please, just talk to me. I’m sorry I didn’t call you back. I’m sorry.

    Ashley loves you: You didn’t call me back…and it broke my heart.

    Ashley loves you signed off.

    I looked at the IM window and sighed, tears falling from my face. I’m sorry…I’m soo sorry.

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    1. spence should have said something instead of just walking away and ashley shouldn’t have just signed off and got upset when spencer didn’t call she should have listened to the explination

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