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    It Always Goes Back to Us – (Chapter: 2)

    Kevin called back and once again asked me out to dinner, but this time I said yes.

    “Wow, you look beautiful this evening.” He smiled as he sipped his wine. He brought me to a very expensive romantic restaurant.

    “Thank you.” I nodded and continued to look down at my food.

    Kevin placed a napkin on his lap and began to dig in into his steak. I sat there watching him as he stuffed his face. He had bad manners, maybe it was because he was a guy…guys have really bad manners.

    I stared at my pasta for awhile before sticking my fork into one of the noodles. I began to put it up to my mouth before a bang filled the restaurant.

    “Why won’t you tell me what’s wrong!” A man yelled from a booth a few tables beside us. The woman looked at him and cried. “It’s nothing.” She said slowly and began to walk away. He grabbed his wallet and placed 300 bucks onto the table before he chased after her.

    I dropped my fork on the table and let out a big breath. It was too much for me, I couldn’t stop the memories from coming back. I couldn’t…

    It was our Junior year, and it’s already been 2 months since she asked me to dance with her at our annual school dance. I looked over at Ashley who was talking to this girl that I knew liked her a lot. Her name was Breanna. She pulled Ashley closer to her by her backpack and smiled. Jealous came over me in a second and I officially became in a bad mood. Ashley looked at her and struggled to walk away. The strong grip of Breanna’s arms around her small body disabled her to leave.

    “Stephanie, stay with me. You know I want you.” I overheard Breanna say. Stephanie looked at her in shock and pushed her away and walked to me.

    I stared at her angrily and then looked back at Breanna who still couldn’t believe that she got rejected once again.

    “Baby, what’s wrong?” Ashley asked when she came over to me.

    “Nothing, let’s just go to our spot okay?”

    “Okay, whatever you say.”

    As she walked me to our spot she asked me the same question over and over again, baby, what’s wrong?

    “Nothing is wrong.” I shot back at her, “I’m tired of you asking.”

    “Geez, what did I do?”

    “Nothing, just forget about it.”

    I sat down against the wall in our hallway and placed my head down on my knees. Ashley sat there and waited…waited for me to do something. 30 minutes passed and the bell rang and we still haven’t said a word to each other. I sat up looked down at her and then walked away.

    I could hear her footsteps behind me so I quickened my pace to my next class. She began to run and finally she caught up to me. There she stood in front me with her pained face. “What’s wrong?” I looked up at her trying to stop myself from crying. I let out a big sigh took a step to the side and left.

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    1. spence should have said something instead of just walking away and ashley shouldn’t have just signed off and got upset when spencer didn’t call she should have listened to the explination

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