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    It’s New York City Anything Can Happen – (Chapter: 13)

    "Okay smart ass, lets say I believe you…what are you here to find?"
    Her face fell and for the first time she had stepped into the office her confidence seemed to faulter, "to meet my real family…"
    I couldn’t help it my heart reached out to the girl and I walked cautiously over to her to stop right in front of her. After a few awkward moments I reached out to place both hands on her shoulders, "do ya…do ya want something to drink? I know that Spence here keeps a stash of Jack Daniels around here somewhere…" God I hope she knows I’m joking…Luckily for me she let out a small chuckle.
    "I’ll pass on the Jack but if you had like some Snapple that’d be great…"
    "Okay wait a sec let me ask mutey here," I walked over to Spencer and placed my hand gently on her arm, "Spence…?" she nodded her head in recognition, "beverages?" She pointed feebly to the mini fridge in the corner.
    I walked over there and knelt in front of the fridge while yelling to Kat, "what kind babe?"
    She didn’t answer for a moment, probably stunned at the intimate name but soon responded, "uh it doesn’t matter…"
    "Allright…Hey why don’t you take a seat on the couch?"
    "Okay…" I emerged a couple seconds later with a bottle of Snapple for Kat and three beers, one for me, and two for Spencer who looked like she needed them. "Okay so Kat, give me the down and dirty," I said while throwing myself onto the couch next to her.
    "Well, like I said before I was in foster care–" she didn’t get to continue because Spencer had finally opened her mouth to speak and interrupted her.
    "You-you look just like him…" she said in a croaky voice and I was instantly by her side holding her hand. I saw the weird look I got from Kat but I ignored it for the time being.
    "Spence, hun…she looks just like who?" Shit, I’m talking to her like she’s mentally retarded. 
    "She looks just like Chase…he-he was my high school boyfriend and we were uh," she chuckled, "we were in ‘love’," she placed the word in quotes, "and one day in the barn…well you uh probably know what happened…" I gave her a surprised look and watched as tears began to come to her eyes, "I was, I was 15! I’m-I’m so sorry Kat, please don’t hate me…"
    Kat hadn’t looked up yet she was fiddling with her fingers, "How could I hate you? Your-your my mom…" she took a deep breath, "I just, I wanna know why…that’s all. Maybe I should go…" she rose form the couch and began her hasty retreat towards the door.
    I sprang up and grabbed her arm before she could leave.
    "And where are you gonna go huh?" she looked down again.
    "I can take care of myself…"
    "Yeah I’m sure you can but sometimes you gotta let other people take care of you. Trust me I learned the hard way. So stay with me or stay with Spence just don’t go…please," I don’t know why I was pleading for this girl all I knew was that she was a part of Spencer and I wanted to know all about Spencer.
    She nodded in defeat. 
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    1. AND THE TRUTH…shall set you freee! haha sorry, someone in the house was watching liar liar last night and it was up so loud i could hear it across the house. had to do it though. HAD TO! but damn homie! spencers got some mad baggage lol. cheating on her wife and now a kid? sheesh. wonder if she’ll tell her about kyla lol…hmmm…or with spencer’s luck kyla will show up at the office and think that kat’s their marriage’s saving grace. ha. good god. wonderful as always my friend!

    2. SAY WHAT?!!! Whoa! Caught me way off guard. I love how you expressed ashley’s feelings and actions toward the girl. She wants to hold on to a part a spencer and maybe learn more about her. Exciting Exciting. Can’t wait to read more

    3. AND THE TRUTH…shall set you freee! haha sorry, someone in the house was watching liar liar last night and it was up so loud i could hear it across the house. had to do it though. HAD TO! but damn homie! spencers got some mad baggage lol. cheating on her wife and now a kid? sheesh. wonder if she’ll tell her about kyla lol…hmmm…or with spencer’s luck kyla will show up at the office and think that kat’s their marriage’s saving grace. ha. good god. wonderful as always my friend!

    4. SAY WHAT?!!! Whoa! Caught me way off guard. I love how you expressed ashley’s feelings and actions toward the girl. She wants to hold on to a part a spencer and maybe learn more about her. Exciting Exciting. Can’t wait to read more

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